
The active offensive of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in Kharkiv region will last more than a month: the Armed Forces named the reason

Kharkiv for Ukraine is an important strategic city, the Armed Forces will use reserves. The enemy will not have significant tactical success on the battlefield, said the commander of the battalion of the Achilles BPak BPak Yuriy Fedorenko. The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation will actively perform shock-up in Kharkiv region for the next one and a half months.

According to the commander of the battalion of shock BPAC "Achilles" of the 92nd Separate assault brigade named after Koshov Otaman Ivan Sirko Yuriy Fedorenko, the enemy will use reserves and all available weapons. He reported it on the air of "Espresso". He stressed that the enemy wants to destroy Ukrainian statehood, in particular, the priority for the enemy are Donetsk and Luhansk regions.

In order for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation to be actively moving in these regions, he needed a certain amount of forces and means that fought in these areas to be drawn to another place. "Information propaganda in the Russian Federation supports it, say, Kharkiv is a very important place. Therefore, they began to cross the state border and storm the positions in Kharkiv region. It is also an extremely important strategic city for us.

Therefore, forces, forces of defense will be involved there Reserves, "Yuri Fedorenko said. He noted that the Russians have a small "backlash" in time - one and a half months, when Ukrainians receive the maximum number of means as part of assistance. After all, the Ukrainian military will be able to prevent the enemy from taking shock-attacking on most of the front. Because of this, the enemy will carry out enough active strike action in the Kharkiv region for the next one and a half months.

However, Fedorenko is convinced that the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation will not have significant tactical success on the battlefield. After all, the Ukrainians were preparing to meet with the enemy. It is about engineering and forming structures and the number of forces and means involved in defense in the region. He noted that thanks to international military assistance, the Armed Forces will be able to destroy the fixed assets of the Armed Forces more carefully.

It is about aviation that uses managed airlines, starting installations that fireting Kharkiv and frontline, front. We will remind, analysts of the Institute of War Study in the report for May 15 reported that the Russian military advanced near the Vovchansk Kharkiv region. In addition, the enemy continued the offensive in the direction of Lipts.