
Separate elements of "ecological" Western equipment for the Armed Forces on the front ate mice - media

The cars of European and American production, as the French military said, have been conceived as a demonstration of technology, but in dirt and cold it does not always work. Rodents ate cables on some foreign vehicles at the Front of the Ukrainian-Russian War. About it reports Le Figaro. Some protective shells for electric wires, as one French military, made of corn fiber, told. The environmental aspect actually played an evil joke, leaving the Ukrainian military without some equipment.

He said that Western cars were conceived as a technology demonstration, but in dirt and cold it does not always work. "Marginal phenomenon, but it tells the reality of Western military equipment," the soldier explained. The Ukrainian military, according to the report, did not expect such consequences. According to him, "fortunately, Ukrainians still had a few crusts" in the warehouse, old Soviet equipment.

The publication noted that two years after the war, the Ukrainian army turned into an army that is worthy of NATO. The Armed Forces have not only modern weapons, but also Soviet weapons. We will remind, on February 23, Financial Times reported that European capitals are in a hurry to attract $ 1. 5 billion in emergency financing to provide Ukraine with artillery shells from abroad to support the front line against Russia.