
Live here and now or wait for victory: what Ukrainians choose in almost two years of war

Shelling, hot spots on the front line, death and material losses are the reality of many Ukrainians over the last almost two years after the invasion of the Russian Federation. However, in the rear, many try to create for themselves and families the illusion of normality - with the help of sports, hikes to restaurants, traveling to rest.

Should Ukrainians constantly choose one of two parts of this military reality? The New Year holidays exposed the paradoxes of modern Ukrainian life, when the contrast between two different realities is striking. On the one hand-decorated for Christmas and New Year holidays and shops, festive prices of hotels and restaurants, a large number of people in the shopping center in search of gifts.

On the other hand, the second year of a full -scale war, huge destruction across the country, daily shelling, thousands of dead and wounded at the front. How appropriate is it right now to live a full life and not to limit yourself? The answer to this very difficult question is not unambiguous.

A recent study has shown that, while six of ten Ukrainians believe that during the war we have to be significantly restricted, more than a third of citizens are convinced that even now we need to try to live a fulfilling life. What are the arguments of both parties and how does the decision make a solution affect the Ukrainian economy? Of course, no one has a full life in a country that is fighting aggression now, because a base for a full life is safety.

It was taken away by Ukrainians, which continues to attack cities and villages, constantly stimulating its military machine to destroy the country and the population. However, even in such difficult conditions, residents of Ukraine can choose how to build their lives and how to respond to security risks.

Even in difficult conditions, Ukrainians can choose how to build their lives and how to respond to security risks, 56-year-old Alexander says that since February 24, 2022 she has not left the impression that she had been killed by a huge nail. This "nail" does not give her the opportunity not to have fun - even to breathe quietly. And she slept for at least two hours in a row for a very long time - before the war. "I physically unable to look at people who laugh out loud," Alexander confesses.

"Because of this, I almost stopped communicating with friends. Many believe that I" buried alive ", but it seems more natural than it Celebrate some holidays, walk on restaurants and invite guests. " In Mary on the front man and the eldest son, so her opinion is unambiguous: "extra money" that a person is ready to spend on entertainment, you need to finish the Armed Forces. "We have not celebrated the holidays for almost two years - there is no mood or money," says the focus.

Interestingly, Elena, who is also a man on the front, every two to three months necessarily goes to travel abroad for a few weeks, and confesses: a man-war man tells her that she continues to live and be able to live. Under the peaceful sky and restore their nerve cells. Kiev Tamara believes that you should try to live a full life despite all the circumstances. "It is not necessary to restrict itself, it is somehow limited.

For example, I do not even want to go anywhere - neither visit, nor on holidays, nor to the theater. However, if such a desire sometimes arises, then I do not refuse myself. " 27-year-old Oksana managed to meet a future husband for 22 months of the war, to marry and under the sounds of air anxiety to give birth to a daughter. "Do I live a fulfilling life? Yes, I live. We also celebrated the wedding in the restaurant, and we went to the Carpathians, and we gather together with my friends together.

Nobody will return my 25, my 26, and I am going to live my life even Under such conditions, it is allowed by opportunities, ”Oksana says. By the way, opportunities are an extremely important issue. After all, if some argue, you need to spend money on entertainment, others say that they do not stand for them at all. Prices are constantly rising, money is often not enough even the necessary, so you have to limit yourself not to moral, but for purely material reasons.

A recent rating research has tried to find out society's opinion on this issue in general. Respondents were asked what kind of expression is closer to them - "during the war they need to be substantially restricted in entertainment and purchases" or "you need to try to live a full life. " Proponents of restrictions (60%) were almost twice as much as those who would like to live as always (36%).

Interestingly, this proportion has almost never changed since June 2022, when the answers were distributed in a ratio of 59% by 36%. The answer to the question was shared by respondents by age and income: the younger ones are expected to live much more than older and poorer. Depending on the region, age, type of settlement and income, residents of Western Ukraine (65%), 51+ (65%), villages (62%) and low -income (69%) were more prone to restrictions.

Instead, much less willing to limit themselves was among the residents of Kiev (53%), young people 18-35 years (50%), residents of cities (59%) and secured (51%). But do the results mean that they are poor or, for example, citizens 51+ are more patriotic? Experts believe not. First, some have been wrong, because not all they can and want to admit that they are not ready to concede even during the war.

Secondly, as mentioned above, the same low-income simply has no money for entertainment, and patriotism is here at all. Olga Pannova, director of the restaurant consulting company, believes that if we look around, we will hardly see the consequences of cruel economy. "Almost all acquaintances seek to live a full life and even more - to break down on full.

Those I do not know, but I see, obviously, the same opinion: in shops and shopping shops, host corporates are busy under tie, in restaurants and cafes There are many people. First of all, this behavior is now explained by the holidays, because it is traditionally spent a lot on Christmas and New Year holidays. In January, stores and restaurants will be much more spacious, but not now.

Of course, those people who are close to the front or those who are close who have tragedy and losses in the family. If those who limit themselves would be really 60%, business would be even more polarized. For example, only expensive establishments and cheap street foods do not go to restaurants in the restaurant sphere, the expert continues. According to her, if those who restrict themselves in everything would indeed be 60%, business would be even more polarized.

That is, only expensive establishments whose audience would not save, and cheap street foods. "There is such a polarization now, but not in large cities where there is a middle class. Therefore, there are many medium -digit cafes and restaurants in Kiev," Olga Pasonova said in a comment to focus.

Analytist of the Joint Ukraine Analytical Center Alexei Kush believes that the respondents' answers are more in line with reality, but by stereotypes of behavior and old mental codes that have been laid in many since the USSR. "If a person believes that now in the economy it is possible to apply methods that worked during the Second World War - to restrict themselves, to introduce cards, etc. - it can be said that it is still in that period mentally," - said Expert in conversation with focus.

Oleg Pendzin, Director of the Economic Discussion Club, also believes that the results of this study do not reflect the actual state of things. In general, the problem of today's Ukrainian society is that in the words everyone for the general mobilization and reduction of consumption, but only until the case has touched it personally. "We have a negative trading balance that, incidentally, is covered by macro -financial assistance, is at 22 billion dollars.

That is, we bought in foreign markets of goods for $ 22 billion more than sold. "Household appliances, gadgets, cars," said Oleg Pendzin in a focus comment. "This is definitely not related to any savings and restrictions, but says that people, as far as possible, try not to reduce consumption. " By the way, conclusions about "60% for restrictions" are also contrary to the real figures for consumption.

For example, one of the well -known supermarket networks increased the network from 305 to 316 stores during 2023, and the expected network revenue for 2023 - about UAH 80 billion, which was higher than 1022 in 2022. It also indicates that Ukrainians do not limit themselves to the purchase of products. What is a plus for the economy, because taxes are the main source for financing the army and expenditures of the state budget for the needs of the military.

That is, the more Ukrainians will save, the more difficult it will be with the payments to the military. In any country, the basis of business functioning is the domestic market, says Oleg Pendzin. In simple words, business works to sell goods and services primarily to the domestic consumer.

"But for the last two years, the Ukrainian domestic market exists at the expense of macro-financial assistance: they received money, distributed people in the form of salaries, pensions, payments and created domestic demand. Recovery of the economy in 2023 by 5% was purely due to the domestic market. It is very good if the revenues that create this consumer market within the country were formed at the expense of the work of the Ukrainian economy.