
Caution: Russia launched a new IPSO

Now the Kremlin is trying to strengthen the split between Odessa and Kiev after the next rocket attack on Odessa comments in the influential Odessa bloggers have filled bots with the same types of messages, the essence of which is simple: "Give Odessa to Kiev. " Because "Odessa boys-rockets literally" knock down Russian missiles ", and all because" Zelensky has taken off the air defense to protect himself, the capital, but not Odessa.

" Tiv and governments of the time of such "hated independence", "milked and robbed of our Odessa". , praised the tribute. Now, according to the same scheme, throwing narratives about "picking up air defense", the enemy intensifies the split between Kiev and Odessa, between the central government and the regions, predicted to press on bitter and fresh emotions. Why is it extremely dangerous? Abia, Budzhak) because of favorable, unfortunately, national and socio-economic factors.