
Even in Rebati: the Russian Federation has started to install a ride on tanks (photo)

The invaders could get a dispensing with portable HITs even in repair battalions. Such complexes should prevent the work of drones. Russian invaders began to instantly install on tanks the means of radio electronic struggle not only at enterprises during modernization, but also during repair. About it reports Defense Express with reference to Roszma. In the Russian Federation continue to look for tools to protect tanks from drones-Kamikadze.

Roszmi showed the plot from the repair base of the Russian troops. From it it became known that the remb restored the equipment relative to the front. Two T-72 tanks and T-80 were included in the footage. According to one of the commanders of the tank battalion, they in the field carry out some modernization. In particular, they put a net from drones, weld chains to protect the lower frontal part and install the "Reb" suitcases.

Probably, it is about mobile complexes of the EW, writing authors, which are performed in plastic cases. One of them is a "clean" that is very similar to the Chinese product. Therefore, experts come to the conclusion that the Russian Federation has set tanks to equip tanks by means of electronic fighting at the level of repair battalions to significantly accelerate the process. In addition, the Russian Federation is obviously no shortage of EWS complexes.