
Monthly Prize for the Armed Forces Fighters: Who can stay without money

The amount of the monthly premium should not be less than 10% of the salary. Payments may be cut in case of violation of military discipline and unsatisfactory performance. Ukrainian servicemen can receive monthly bonuses. This was reported in the organization "Legal Hundred" on Facebook. The procedure for the bonuses is provided by the order of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine dated 07. 06. 2018 No.

260 "On approval of the Procedure for payment of financial support for the military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and some other persons". Ukrainian servicemen, in addition to the term, can be awarded monthly in accordance with their personal contribution to the overall results of the service. The Minister of Defense establishes a monthly premium that should not be less than 10% of the salary for the relevant categories of the military.

In particular, the amount of payment is formed on the basis of the existing fund of cash provided in the estimate of the Ministry of Defense and the peculiarities of military service. In addition, on the basis of the order of the commander of the military unit, the award is paid taking into account military discipline, the availability of disciplinary penalties, indicators of performance of duties.

The amount of the monthly premium decreases in case of violation of military discipline and unsatisfactory performance of duties: the monthly premium may not be paid for a month in which a violation is carried out: the organization emphasized that it is forbidden not to pay the premium or reduce its amount within a few months for the same violation.

It was added that the payment of the monthly premium is made from the date of admission to the duties of positions and the day of dismissal from the performance of duties, including in the case of temporary performance of duties. We will remind, according to the Law of Ukraine "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine on Strengthening Social Protection of Servicemen, Police and Some Other Persons" Family of Fighters, will be able to receive wages of relatives.