
The Russian Federation launched TU-95 bombers in Ukraine: explosions (photos) were thundering in the regions (photos)

The Kyiv City Military Administration was informed about the work of air defense on the outskirts of the city. The explosions were also heard in Pavlograd of the Dnipropetrovsk region - the authorities have already informed about the victim of rocket strike. Early in the morning of December 8, Russian invaders launched in Ukraine rockets from strategic bombers Tu-95MS. This was reported in the Press Center of the Armed Forces.

"Attention! Probable launchers of winged missiles from Tu-95MS strategic bombers. Estimated air alarm time in the southern and eastern regions-06. 30. Do not ignore air alarm signals!" - reported in the air force. The first group of rockets crossed the border of Ukraine and moved in the direction of Dnipropetrovsk region across Kharkiv. Shortly thereafter, air alarm began to be declared in the regions. In Kiev, the siren was howled at 06:48.

The command said that the rockets were flying in the direction of Pavlograd. Presidential Office Andriy Yermak urged not to ignore the alarm and warned about the work of air defense. "Do not ignore the alarm, will work against Russian missiles," the OP head wrote in his Telegram channel. The locals reported explosions in Dnipropetrovsk. The rockets changed the course to the Dnieper. Then rockets began to move towards Mirgorod in Poltava. There is a military airfield.

Soon the rockets entered the Kirovograd region. They moved in the western direction. At 07:26 rockets began to move towards the Kyiv region through the Cherkasy region. The course could change. At 07:32, the Capital Military Administration announced the threat of rocket strike in Kiev. Explosions were heard in the Kiev region. As of 07:32, rockets were running in the direction of Kiev from southern direction. In the Cherkasy region rockets flew in the direction of the Kiev region.

In the Kirovograd region, rockets flew in the direction of the event. The regional military administration reported on the work of air defense. They urged people to stay in shelters and not shoot what is happening in video. The head of the Dnipropetrovsk Regional Military Administration Serhiy Lisak at 7:33 reported that explosions were heard in Pavlograd. "In the morning it was noisy in Pavlograd.

All information is specified and will be published after a breakdown of air anxiety," - said the head of the Ova. At 7:38, the Kyiv City Military Administration was informed about the work of the air defense air defense and urged residents of the capital to be in shelters. At 7:41, the Air Force reported a new group of missiles, which flew over the Chuguev district of Kharkiv region towards the Dnipropetrovsk region. At 07:48 another group of rockets was noticed across the Kharkiv region.

They were moving in the direction of Pavlograd. At 07:56 in the Pavlograd area there were explosions. At 7:38, the Kyiv City Military Administration was informed about the work of the air defense air defense and urged residents of the capital to be in shelters. At 7:41, the Air Force reported a new group of missiles, which flew over the Chuguev district of Kharkiv region towards the Dnipropetrovsk region. At 7:48 the Verkhovna Rada reported the movement of missiles on Pavlograd.

At 8:31, the KMVA reported to a bundle of air anxiety, but urged the residents to follow the signals, and in the event of danger - to go into shelter. At 8:46, the head of the Dnipropetrovsk Ova Sergey Lisak reported that during the shelling of the Pavlograd district one person was killed, four more were injured in varying degrees of severity. "Unfortunately, there is one dead. Four victims have been taken to the hospital.

The Chief of the KMVA Sergey Popoko said that rocket launches were made from 10 strategic bombers of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Winged rockets X-101/555/55 from the aerodrome in Engels, in the Saratov region, were released. "Air alarm in the capital lasted almost 2 hours. But no hostile goal has reached the city. All missiles flying in the direction of Kiev were destroyed by the capital to the capital.

Information about victims and destruction is missing! The enemy waited at one time and began to apply strategic aviation to peaceful cities again. So take care of yourself and relatives, do not neglect air alarm signals, "Popko said.