
Girl in Red Charg: A Ukrainian told about rescue from Hamas at a music festival

A video of a girl who escapes from the attack of terrorists at the Supernova Music Festival flew the whole world. On October 7, when Hamas fighters attacked Israel, attacking the participants of the Nova Music Festival, which took place in the Negev Desert, one of the first videos on social networks was the loaded participants of the festival. People run on it, escaping terrorists. And the girl in the red scarf attracts attention first.

She was asked in the comments, she was even depicted in the Phoenix painting, but no one knew if "the girl in the red scarf" survive. Daily Mail journalists found her. And it turned out that it was a 25-year-old Ukrainian, named Vlad Patapov, who managed to avoid the death of terrorists. The authorities became known as "a woman in a red scarf" and she became one of the most memorable images of the massacre on October 7.

At that time, Hamas fighters, attacking the Supernova rave festival, killed at least 340 people and took the hostage 40. For the last time, when the power was seen, she was escaped from terrorists among other frightened festival participants. For several weeks, the world wondered if it survived. The 25-year-old authorities of Patapov lives in Ashdod, raising a three-year-old Roma daughter and works as a wedding organizer. On October 7, she almost died and thought that her partner Matan had died.

She saw Hamas fighters killed her friends. "I did not particularly tell anyone about what happened, I still painful, I shared with my family horror of that day and still every morning I thank God that I am still alive. Sometimes I feel guilty for surviving and others - and others - No. As well as what happened to me lasted only 18 hours, but many are still in pain, and I think of hostages that are still in gas. We should not forget them, " - said Power.

According to her, she did not want to go to the festival. She made the decision spontaneously, at the last minute, when her boyfriend Matan bought tickets. But she did not leave the feeling that it was a bad idea. "My daughter Romi was so quiet, usually she was always running out of her toys, but she was stationary that day, and I am sure that she felt something wrong," the girl recalls.

Arriving at the venue of the festival in Raim, only one and a half miles from the border with the Gaza Sector, Vlad, Matan and her girlfriend Mias broke the tent and spent the evening by conversations. "I remember the atmosphere was very strange, people had fun and danced, but I had no energy. It seemed strange to hold the festival so close to the border with the Gaza Sector.

But I thought that the organizers probably know that it It is safe, otherwise they would not carry it, " - she said, she went to bed at three o'clock in the morning, and at 6:30 on the side of the Gaza sector, the first missiles flew that signal the start of the attack. "I was looking for Matan and May and heard the shooting immediately. It was loud and very close to us.

For a few seconds I didn't understand what was happening, and then Matan shouted that we needed to run behind the car," the authorities recalls that many festival participants They did not understand how serious everything is. The sounds of shots and the appearance of Hamas fighters caused panic in the crowd. Hundreds of visitors to the festival were running into the surrounding fields and deserts.

The authorities and her friends jumped into the car and went to the exit, but the way was blocked by other cars. "Everyone was signaling, I was on a passenger seat, and Matan was traveling from May in the back seat, and then we saw a man dressed in a military uniform in front of us. We thought it was an Israeli soldier, and everything would be okay with us. But he would He shot a guy who left his car and we realized that it was a terrorist.

We were bent, the balls whistled around, got into the car, " - according to the authorities, Mathan managed to turn the car and leave the road. They met a police officer who ordered them to go further east. But the path was blocked by terrorists. "Matan continued to go, but we didn't go far. We saw terrorists on cars, motorcycles and trucks heading for us. They shot us. We tried to go through the field, but stuck and we had to throw a car," Vlad says. that at this point friends lost each other.

"I didn't know where Matan. We ran out of May and got to the trees. We didn't know what to do and where to go, and all I could think about is Romi. I continued to see her face and told myself what Someone should survive for her, " - according to the authorities, they were rescued by a man named Joseph Ben Av. He stopped his car and ordered the fugitives to sit on the back seat. "We were eight people in the car, it was Kia Picanto, and we all sat on each other.

I called Matan and told him that everything was fine with me, and he replied that he had been picked up by the driver and they were alive," the girl recalls . Vlad and may eventually reached a safe military base in heelm, and Matan was on the basis of 20 minutes in Orima. The panic escape from terrorists took three hours, but according to the authorities, time "flew very quickly". The red scarf she wore, running away from Hamas, and who made it famous, survived.

Last month, the Israeli artist Karen Misk presented a picture depicting power, calling it "Phoenix". "It is based on one of the images of the day, the beautiful young, full lives of people fleeing from evil savages. I would like to know her name and hope she survived. My heart broke when I saw this video and realized that evil came into the space of love and freedom, but I know: as a Phoenix, we will rebel from this ashes, "Karen signed her work.