
"Everywhere wounded": Underground participants entered Moscow's main military hospital (photo, video)

The volume of transportation is as large as the underground was noted that during unloading of the burden with the victims fill the entire plaron, creating a spooky sight. Moscow's main military hospital overwhelmed the military, and doctors refuse to receive new patients. The Telegram channel "Atesh" published details. There are a large number of injured occupiers in the medical facility.

According to the members of the underground, the problem is related to the absence of sufficient places for accommodation in the wards. This provokes the situation, as some of them are forced to be in the corridors and even in the dining room. New patients are refused, not accepted. The wounded occupiers are sent to the front again, not recognized as disabled. Payments for injuries are untimely or not provided at all. The hospital is delivered to the hospital, the wounded is delivered by trains.

The volume of transportation is so large that during unloading of the burden with the victims fill the entire plaron, creating a spooky sight. On December 7, Atesh explored a military enlistment office in the Samara region. Underground participants went around the territory of the military enlistment office in the protected togliatt. The underground does not exclude possible further rigid actions against this object.

The exploration and search for weaknesses in the protection of a military facility were carried out. The guerrillas do not exclude further rigid actions to this military enlistment office. "Atesh" recruited the Russian military in Kursk. The guerrillas met with Russian servicemen who were forcibly in the military unit # 11262. Those "sabotage" departure to Ukraine to "not fight in a criminal war. " It turned out that they "sabotage" departure to Ukraine to "not fight in a criminal war.

" The guerrilla "Athesh", as it became known in December, was mobilized to Russian troops in Moscow. The partisan movement agent will collect intelligence information about the placement of air defense in the Russian Federation, told underground. We will remind, on December 5, "Atesh" told how in the Crimea repressed by Russian stitches. Due to repression in military units of the invaders, three sailors committed suicide.