
Avdiivka - not Bakhmut. How different two defensive operations differ and why Russians are now more difficult

Severe battles near Avdiivka continue in all directions. But at the same time, the military correspondent Bogdan Miroshnikov notes, none of the villages of the so -called "line of life" by the Russians could not be taken - Ukrainian defense holds! Steppe - fighting in the eastern part of the village. Unchanged. AKHZ - heavy fighting constantly. Without success with the enemy. Severne - the enemy was able to move 100 m southwest of the village.

The industrial zone in the southeast of the city is not controlled by our military. The occupier is not allowed to be fixed. On our part there is a lot of everything, so there will be no peaceful life in the enemy there. Unfortunately, fortifications that have been built for 8 years are also not eternal. At the 22nd month, they did not withstand full-time. Further, I do not see the prospects of the enemy to immediately break into the city in the southern outskirts. At least they need regrouping.

And this is the time that will play in our favor. They wanted to take Avdiivka in a month, but they have every chance to get stuck for a long time. These are vital 10-12 km from Severenoy to the steppe because of the thin and swallowing enemy cannot take 1. 5 months. By the way, in Bakhmut the width of the front was much larger, even after the loss of the Svitlodar performance. There were a few dozen km. Here - about 2-3 times less. Moreover, it is enough for the enemy to go only 10-12 km for the city.