
Speed ​​and pressure. Three most successful offensive operations of the Armed Forces

The offensive is the most difficult type of operational art. It is much more complicated than defense, demanding or raid. In many respects, the potential of the army and its capabilities are determined by its offensive qualities and abilities. After the start of a full -scale invasion, many military observers and experts closely monitored the Army of Ukraine and its plans for the de -occupation of the captured territories.

It is clear that this will be the main exam for Ukrainian soldiers and commanders. This summer and in the fall of the Armed Forces, they held a number of brilliant counter -offensives, showing and proving everyone that the call to return to the 1991 borders is not an empty sound that Ukraine can return the territory selected by the power, liberate cities and save its citizens. On the eve of New Year, I would like to remind you again three truly brilliant offensive operations of the Armed Forces.

This operation has already been included in military and historical textbooks and is a brilliant example of an offensive operation. The last thing in boldness and scope was conducted by the Israeli Defense Army in 1973 (it was about Operation Abir-Lev), that is, half a century ago. The Balakliko-Kupyansk offensive operation began with the general misinformation of the enemy and with the sake that the great counter-offensive of the Armed Forces is prepared in the south, in the Kherson direction.

This topic was forced by all - from senior leadership to grassroots military bloggers and observers. The Russians led to these throws and pulled up south to 40 of their battalions (also up to 20-30 battalions, which were already there), including VAT and Marines, that is, the most experienced and combat units. In doing so, they weakened other sections of the front and especially Kharkiv and Izium directions. Not to use it was simply unrealistic.

The Ukrainian Blitzkrig began on September 6 and lasted days. On September 7, they surrounded and released Balakliya, and on September 9, Ukrainian units approached Kupyansk (later released), and on September 11-13 they had already released raisins. This was achieved by identifying the weakest link on the Russian defense line. The weak link was a rare position from the pro -Russian fighters of the ORDLO in one echelon - without proper communication and without reserves.

The mechanized units of the Armed Forces came out of tens of kilometers deep, thus creating an enemy threat to the enemy. As a result, the enemy ran, throwing hundreds of units of good equipment - including tanks and combat vehicles. This event was subsequently called the Kremlin Land Lenda. Undoubtedly, this operation is a brilliant example of martial arts. Ukraine has shown that it is capable of conducting large and difficult offensive operations of strategic scale.

This operation is in fact a continuation of the Balaklius-Kupyan offensive operation, but it is worth considering it as a separate self-sufficient operation, since it was carried out in difficult conditions (forcing the river and the coverage of the city on the flanks) and when trying to keep the city with the enemy. If the Russians fled from the raisins, then they tried to keep the estuary and in no way lose the city.

This is important because evil tongues began to spread a fable that, they say, the escape of the enemy from Kharkiv region is all the contracting officer, and the Armed Forces are not capable of large and complex operations. The Liman operation showed the opposite - even when the enemy is fierce, the Ukrainian army is able to conduct an operation on the de -occupation of the city.

And without storming it in the forehead (as the Russians do), but covering it in the mite and taking the enemy in the operational environment, minimizing the impact on the city. In fact, the Armed Forces released the estuary with minimal damage to urban development, reducing the threat to civilians.

Liman surgery is a good example of how experienced and competent military administration is able to bear fruit and success without the destruction of civilian infrastructure and unnecessary suffering of those who are waiting for release.

When it became known that a counter -offensive in the Kherson direction is an information hip that is carried out to ensure that the Russians are pulled there as much as possible, in civilians, especially those who were occupied, there is an unpleasant taste of abandonedness. Like that they were used as a bait, and Kherson will not be released in the near future. It was not true, and the reality was much more complicated than it could seem at first glance.

The Kherson de -occupation operation (and the whole right shore of Kherson region) began early in the summer and lasted for many months. The goal was to completely collect the logistics of the invaders and turn the stay of dozens of their battalions and thousands of their soldiers in Kherson and the right bank of the Dnieper from the combat force. To deprive them of not just offensive potential, but combat capability.

The Kherson Group of the enemy was provided through three arteries: it is a dam (and a bridge) in the area of ​​Nova Kakhovka and two bridges in the area of ​​Kherson itself, road and railway.

The Armed Forces for a month constantly struck these bridges, making them virtually unusable, and since the logistics of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is based only on railway connection (and to a lesser extent resting on wheel transport), thousands of occupiers remained with logistics, which in fact. drops. The Russians do not use (and do not have means) air supply by means of large cargo helicopters (as the United States do, for example).

Therefore, in the fall, they were a choice: either stay in Kherson without supply and under constant blows to the Armed Forces, losing their best personnel, or surrendering the city and walking from the right bank of the Dnieper, but keep some of their experienced parts. They chose the second, though they left a lot of equipment. The Kremlin Land League found his second breath-now in the Kherson direction. The above operations are the most important milestone in the Russian-Ukrainian war.

They have shown that the Armed Forces are able to deduct their lands and turn back large cities with hundreds of thousands of inhabitants. The Ukrainian army gained strength and showed how the occupied Donbass regions and the captured peninsula of Crimea will return. The threats of Russia were a simple concussion, and its armed forces - a rotten house that cracks and crumbles at proper and competent pressure.