
There is something to replace: how Ukrainian GTS will work without gas from the Russian Federation

If in 2025 the Ukrainian gas transportation system is not used for Russian gas transit, the infrastructure will be used for other projects together with the EU countries. Ukraine plans to abandon the transit of Russian gas. At the same time, the gas transport system of the country (GTS) will be able to function without disruption, as it will transport the gas of internal production to underground gas storage facilities.

This was reported in the operator of GTS of Ukraine (OGTSU) to reporters of RBC-Ukraine. They explained that GTS capacity will be used to transport natural gas from EU countries to underground gas storage (PSG) during the pumping season and in the opposite direction in the autumn and winter. "In 2023, more than 4. 3 billion cubic meters of natural gas were received from the EU and Moldova. It was more than twice as much as it was transported in 2022.

The main volumes were received in the Customs Warehouse mode during the gas rolling season into underground storage ", - said at GTS of Ukraine. Ukraine will also join the Vertical Corridor initiative, which will allow natural gas to be transported from Greece to Moldova, and some of the resources will be sent to underground storage facilities in Ukraine.

"Last year, more than 550 million cubic meters of gas was pumped through the Transbalance Gas pipeline, the main volumes were stored in Ukrainian underground gas storage facilities. This route is a strategically important link that connects the LNG market of Southern Europe with Eastern and Central Europe as well as with It is united with the Ukrainian PSG, "the publication explains. Ukraine also plans to take in a new gas hab, which is formed in Southeastern Europe.

Thus, thanks to the development of LNG-terminal capacities in Greece, gas exports from Azerbaijan will expand and will facilitate gas production in Romania. "It is estimated that at least ten billion cubic meters of gas surplus will arise in three to five years. , - the operator reported. Currently, the NJSC Naftogaz of Ukraine and the Russian Gazprom have an agreement on the transit of Russian gas into EU countries, which companies have entered into in 2019.

The agreement is coming to the end of December 31, 2024. The Ukrainian government has repeatedly said that they would not conclude a new agreement with Russia. For example, on March 15, Energy Minister Herman Galushchenko said that European companies can store gas they buy in the Russian Federation in Ukrainian underground storage facilities. "Last year, there were 14 billion cubic meters of Russian gas transit, and we have storage facilities where 15 billion cubic meters can be used.

If you say quite simple: take and pump these 14 billion cubic meters into Ukrainian storage facilities. If someone continues to receive Russian gas from Discount and think it is safe, ”he said. Meanwhile, the chairman of the board of Naftogaz of Ukraine, Alexei Chernyshov, recently said that the company is suffering losses by transporting Russian gas.