
Stels-Dron Sky Hawk made even more invisible: What is the China's army prepared for

It is known that the modernized version of Sky Hawk has increased secrecy and endurance. The Chinese Sky Hawk military drone will be tested in the open air shortly after some of its main parameters are upgraded. The drone will play an important role in intelligence and shock missions, ECNS reports, referring to China's central television. The modernized version of Sky Hawk is known to have increased secrecy and endurance.

Its design "Flying Wing" gives many advantages, such as invisibility for enemy radars, improved aerodynamic characteristics that provide a greater flight range. Flying wing configuration drones are often used in intelligence, attack, refueling in the air, radio electronic struggle and other important tasks. But it is not easy to manage such drones due to the lack of vertical wing and other ordinary stoves.

Therefore, engineers have to invent other ways of managing flight, using, for example, separate brake drills, differential thrust and complex software. That is why drones with a flying wing are considered to be advanced aircraft, whose opportunities for the development of only countries with advanced aviation and aerospace technologies have, the expert said.

Sky Hawk has developed a research institute № 3 of the Chinese Aerospace and Industry Corporation (CASIC), it is equipped with stealth technology and is positioned as UAVs with high autonomy. It is used for reconnaissance and observation. The apparatus works on the basis of artificial intelligence applications, and is therefore capable of taking off, flight and landing without control and assistance.

Sky Hawk did his first flight in November 2017, after which MA Hunchun chief engineer and his team continued to optimize and develop the drone characteristics. It is also known that an invisible drone can either work independently or in the swarm of drones with WJ-700 models. In addition to Sky Hawk, China has also publicly demonstrated its drones with a flying wing-GJ-11 and inconspicuous shock drones CH-7. Earlier, we reported that China helps Russia in the production of drones "Orlan-10".