
Similar to Bandera, Shukhevych and Konovalets: the PCU consecrated an icon written in the military (photo)

Under the Holy Protection, the artist portrayed the defenders of Ukraine of different times: modern Ukrainian heroes, UPA soldiers and Cossacks. The head of the Epiphany PCCU in the Rivne region consecrated the image written by the military. The outstanding leaders of the Ukrainian national movement Stepan Bandera, Roman Shukhevych and Yevgeny Konovalets are presented. The press service of 104 brigades of territorial defense of Rivne region informs about it on Facebook.

The corresponding events took place in the territory of St. George's near Berestechko, where there is a men's monastery on the Cossack graves. The icon was consecrated for Ukrainian defenders. The idea of ​​the image was created in the chaplain service. The Blessed Virgin Mary, who was considered a deputy of the Ukrainian army and a defender from the enemy in Cossack times, took the patron. The author of the icon decided to develop a unique plot at the request of the military themselves.

Subsequently, traditional iconography was somewhat modernized. The artist depicted the defenders of Ukraine of different times under the holy cover. The depicted can see the Cossacks, UPA soldiers and modern Ukrainian heroes. The canvas describes two shrines of Rivne-Holy Resurrection Cathedrals and St. Pokrovsky. Metropolitan Epiphanius noted that the PCU representatives and military clergymen will always spiritually support Ukrainian soldiers and pray for them.

According to him, defenders perform an important mission. We will remind, on June 14 in the Louvre for the first time presented masterpieces from the Khanenko Museum. Visitors to the museum in Paris will be able to see the icons of the VI and VII centuries and the Constantinople micromosaic icon of the late XIII - early XIV centuries. Scientists will study the masterpieces of art in detail. Ukrainian experts who are included in the International Committee are also involved in relevant studies.