
Have advanced 6 km: the Armed Forces are trying to gain a foothold around Avdiivka - British intelligence

According to analysts, the enemy wants to increase the pace of offensive now so as not to give Ukrainian defenders to effectively build defense. Russian invaders continue active actions at the front, in particular in the area of ​​the city of Avdiivka, Donetsk region, which they managed to take control the day before. In the UK Ministry of Defense Intelligence report, on February 29, they spoke about it.

According to analysts, from February 17, when the city in the Donbass passed into the hands of the enemy, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation were able to move 6 kilometers from the center of Avdiivka. Accordingly, it is concluded that this direction is a priority for the enemy and nothing will change in the near future. Also in British intelligence noted that Russian invaders were likely to take control of several settlements in the area. It is about swallow, steppe and Severene.

Accordingly, such tactical successes can help the enemy strengthen their position around Avdiivka. "Russia is also likely to increase the pace on the axis to take advantage of the fact that there are fewer stationary, defensive positions and urban areas, from which the Ukrainian forces can be defended," analysts summed up. We will remind, on February 29 it was reported that the US General told if the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation could go on a large -scale offensive.

According to the expert commander -in -chief of the United States in Europe, Ben Gogeges, the enemy continues to celebrate the admiration of Avdiivka, as if it were one of the decisive success of the war. The command of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation does not spare the strength to move forward, while the Kremlin economy is in a "fragile" position. Also in the 110th ombre revealed the details of the exit from Avdiivka.