
"Dreams by 2025": The Armed Forces announced a counterattack on the army of the Russian Federation, or real plans without the help of the event

The Command of the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces plans offensive operations, experiencing problems with the equipment of combat units. Russia, meanwhile, accumulates forces near Avdiivka, time ravine and in the estuary. Focus, military analysts interviewed that Kiev will order to act: without US military assistance, only defense and rare counterattacks are possible. The Armed Forces of Ukraine plan to stabilize the situation at the front soon.

Russian occupiers should expect a counter -strike as early as 2024, said Oleksandr Pavlyuk, commander of the Land Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The task of the Ukrainian army for the near future is to maximize the destruction of the accumulation of hostile forces. It is also necessary to regroup the parts and remove those who need to recover. The plan is to create a shock group, the commander said.

The largest forces of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are concentrated near Avdiivka, the Temporal Yar, the Village of Terny and in the Lyman direction. The forces of Ukraine's defense are confidently retained and inflicted enormous losses. Pavlyuk is convinced that the Russians have set the task of seizing the maximum of Ukrainian territories before the election of the President of the Russian Federation, which will take place from March 15 to March 17.

Almost simultaneously with the statement of the Commander of the Armed Forces, Russian troops from the village of Toneyke to the west of Avdiivka were supplanted. According to the military observer of the German tabloid Bild Julian Repke, the Ukrainian army has returned full control over the settlement, but the Russians fire it with the RSSV.

Pavlyuk's plans of the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces of 2024 are promptly substantiated, but without the help of allies, their implementation will slow down, consider analysts of the Institute of War Study (ISW). "The Ukrainian forces save material, and uncertainty about future assistance probably limits Ukrainian operational planning," - said in the summary for March 6.

The statement of President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky about the preparation of a new offensive operation for the summer of 2024 is also mentioned. The probable offensive of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation will delay Ukraine's ability to start a counter -offensive operation. In addition, problems with the equipment of the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces are observed throughout the front line, says Focus Military Viewer Oleg Zhdanov.

"Planning and dreams of a counter -offensive in the future is so. Our partners say that in 2025, in their active assistance, everything will work out. If we talk about counterudar positions. Counter -strife on a scale of one brigade or battalion, "he explains. The level of Western Aid fall by stopping supplies from the United States is critical. It is unlikely that Kiev managed to accumulate sufficient weapons delivered by the event during a full -scale war, the expert notes.

In the face of openness of information, it is unrealistic. As an example, the expert cited the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces in 2023. Then the sources of The Economist learned about the plans of the former Armed Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, to create three army corps for 60,000 military. "However, I did not see these three buildings. 12 brigades of the National Guard were formed, they mostly went on the offensive," Zhdanov comments.

Without military deliveries from the United States, Ukraine will not be able to form military reserves for large -scale smuggling operations. With the current strength, you can calculate the maximum on system counterattacks on separate locations, says the focus coordinator of the group "Information Resistance", military expert Alexander Kovalenko. "The United States should be restored to the level of mid -2023.

Otherwise, it is worth talking about defense and rare counterattacking situations," the analyst assessed. However, single counterattacks have been successful before. In the southwestern Bakhmut area of ​​the Armed Forces, a counterattack scenario was implemented: they released Klyshchiyivka and Andreevka. The Russians had a threat of loss of control over the logistics artery - a route leading to Gorlovka. You can still repeat successful attacks in the Avdiivka area.

The Russians failed to create a full -fledged buffer zone. In the south in the Kherson region, it is not necessary to expect operations for promotion until the summer begins, Kovalenko notes. Ukrainian troops in the east are buried to stop more staffed Russian occupation forces, writes The Wall Street Journal. To the west of Avdiivka, excavators dig anti -tank ditches and trenches. Soldiers say that part of the combat missions are forced to dig trenches under fire.

The deputy commander of the 3rd separate assault brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Maxim Zhorin told reporters about the attack of Russians on the city of Pokrovsk, Donetsk region in the coming weeks. Defense lines in the west of the city are quite developed to withstand pressure. "I am not sure that they will be able to maintain such a pace of the offensive for a long time. Their losses are just crazy, but they still have enough strength," Georin said.

We will remind, the Ukrainian soldiers have previously talked about the cessation of promotion of the invaders in the area of ​​Avdiivka. For the most part, the Russian army is attacking the villages of Berdychi, Tonny, Pervomaisky and Nevel. Earlier, The New York Times wrote that the lack of assistance in the event and ammunition influence the promotion of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation by Avdiivka. Another reason is the weak preparation of defense lines west of the city.