
Not through NATO: Putin voiced the reasons for the attack on Ukraine in an interview - Bloomberg

According to the author of the article Mark Champion, Putin has long been convinced of his version of history, in which Ukraine has been artificially created and that some of its territories belong to the Russian Federation. The interview of Russian President Vladimir Putin with American journalist Takus Carlson confirmed that his main purpose in the war against Ukraine is to territorial conquests. This conclusion was reached by journalists of Bloomberg.

According to the publication, Putin has long been convinced of his version of history in which Ukraine has been artificially created and that some of its territories belong to Russia. This conviction played an important role in his decision to invade the country. Although Putin and Carlson discussed the historical aspects, little was said. Putin's conviction in his historical interpretation is important for understanding his actions, even if it is based on fiction, journalists say.

"To understand how perverted Putin's historical analysis, let us consider his statements about the better period related to the Second World War. Here he wanted to declare that Poland cooperated with Adolf Hitler when he had fallen to Warsaw in 1939. At the same time the Soviet Union , who, in the same year, signed with Hitler the Pact on the Distribution of Poland between them and agreed not to join the United Kingdom and France in the fight against Germany, for some reason did not cooperate.

This Two years, "the material reads. According to the publication, the Russian leader has fallen into Ukraine, being confident that it returns "Russian territories". In this case, disagreement with NATO enlargement plays an auxiliary role. Although his interpretation of history is completely fantastic, but now it is clear why Putin sought to capture Kiev - he considers it to be Russian residents.

According to the author of the article Mark Champion, Taer Carlson's interview is not exactly what he could be proud of him as a journalist. "He did not ask Putin any questions about mass murder in Bucha near Kiev or other places. He also showed no interest in confirmed documented cases of theft and other forms of violence against Ukrainians in the occupied territories.

Carlson did nothing to refute Putin's false statements, Becoming a kind of gift for him, helping the Russian president to broadcast his usual mixture of half -truth and explicit lies, convincing the Americans that they are guilty of Russia's attack on Ukraine. " Russian President Vladimir Putin gave a great interview to American journalist Tair Carlson.

He told who began the war in Ukraine, about a private conversation about fascism with the President of Ukraine and called the guilty in the blast of the Nord Stream gas pipeline. After interviewing with such as Carlson, The Washington Post wrote that the President of the Russian Federation had the opportunity to justify the attack on Ukraine in front of American conservatives. But what he exacerbated attention was a surprise even for Carlson.