
Cabin, rockets, air defense: Belarus could run the Yak-130 to help the Russian Federation-Aviation Expert (Video)

The Russian command can try to use the territory of Belarus for the launches of managed plane, Droni-Kamikadze, or as a transit for ballistics, explained Avaya Expert Bogdan Dolinz. The lesion zone is a minimum of 10-40 km deep into Zhytomyr and Kyiv regions. The air target, which was a plane Yak-13, flew from the territory of Belarus to Ukraine, then flew freely, and the air forces of the Armed Forces did not beat it.

In a similar situation, Turkey destroyed an object that allegedly inadvertently penetrated its territory. The appearance of the aircraft could not be accidental in the conditions of war and through allied relations between the Russian Federation and Belarus. Aviation expert Bogdan Dollec told the fact that the Yak-130 task could be the exposure of air defense. The background explained that the training aircraft did not carry radar equipment that could detect air defense.

However, when such an object appears, the equipment in Ukraine begins immediately. In this case, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation have the opportunity to detect the location of air defense products and then use it for the task of strikes from the territory of Belarus. From the northern neighbor can fly both rockets and drones-Kamikadze, or Russians will use this territory for transit of ballistics or cruise missiles, said aircraft.

"The air defense systems are forced to be distracted by [Yak-130-ed. ] In addition, the background drew attention to another type of threats associated with the protection of airspace in the north of Ukraine. He suggested that from the Belarus of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation can start launching managed aircraft (cabin) in Zhytomyr and Kiev regions.

According to the estimates of the air expert and taking into account the start points, the dangerous zone will have a width of 10 to 40 km (depending on the type of bombs). If the winged flights are flying, they will also get hundreds of kilometers deep, the interlocutor of the journalists said. "If there are cubicles from Belarus to go to us, then both Kyiv region and Zhytomyr region are in danger.

And if they use aviation controlled missiles, then in principle, this depth of risk from a conditional 20-30 km will increase to a conditional 800 km,"-he said Valley. It should be noted that on September 24, the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces reported an unknown air target that crossed the Belarusian-Ukrainian border. According to the Belaruski Gayun's monitoring public, it could be a Baptism of the Yak-130 training and combat aircraft.

Air alarm was declared in Kiev and the region, which was canceled after 20 minutes. As Konstantin Krivolap explained to the air expert, the plane could fly into Ukraine in mistakes, and the aircraft decided not to knock it down and saved the life of two novice pilots. Educational Yak-130 really has two launch suspensions, but according to him, it is safe and used for training. Subsequently, the command of the Air Force published a post in which it denied the previous statement.

The command assured that the air target did not actually cross the border of Belarus and there was no danger. Meanwhile, earlier, the focus talked about the plans of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation to modernize Yak-130. According to the plan of the Russian command, the aircraft had to convert four types of plane. In addition, it can get a 250-kilogram aircraft.