
Latin American countries should know the truth about Russian aggression in Ukraine - the President when communicating with Chilean students and teachers

It is extremely important that Latin America, including the Republic of Chile, know the truth about the war in Ukraine and joined the sanctions policy on the Russian Federation. President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said this while communicating with students and teachers of higher education institutions. The Head of State stressed that Russia pursues a policy of voracious terrorist, uses ultimatum language and does not want to stop the invading war in Ukraine.

"They came to our land, began this war to destroy us. They will not be suitable for any intermediaries, because they are only interested in complete domination in Ukraine so that there are no people, that there are no people who want to be independent. They do not see us as a member of the European Union, they do not see a democratic independent state. We are a colony for them, ”the President said.

As Volodymyr Zelenskyy noted, it is impossible to find a mediator between a country that defends his land and an aggressor who decided to destroy it and commit inhuman crimes. “What can be the mediators between people and the beast? You will not find intermediaries because Russia does not want to end this war, ”the head of state is convinced.

According to the President, the Russian Federation has a significant information influence in the world and tries to keep entire regions in the "information vacuum", so it is very important that Latin America countries know the truth about the war in Ukraine. “So I am grateful for the opportunity I have today. I ask you to disseminate this information. And I invite journalists of Latin American countries to Ukraine - let them come and see themselves.

We do not want to impose anything, we want to bring the truth to your countries, ”Volodymyr Zelenskyy emphasized. The head of the Ukrainian state called on political leaders of Latin America to increase pressure on the aggressor. “It is very important for us that you join the sanction policy of the European Union, the United States, Canada, and others. So that Latin America does not traded with the terrorist state.

Russia should know that the price for the war, for all these victims is high, so that it was an example for other countries, ”he said. The President also spoke about the reconstruction project. He noted that a number of partner countries have already taken patronage over the Ukrainian regions or settlements that were affected by the Russian invasion and need to restore infrastructure.

“There are states that have chosen a region or city, they help: business representatives come, specialists come, special equipment arrives, and they build our country with us. That is, they return life to Ukraine. Latin America can do the same thing - to choose a city they like and help people, ”said the Head of State, and expressed his wishes for talented Chilean architects to participate in the restoration of our country. Volodymyr Zelensky also invited students from Chile.

“These are young energetic people, not limited. They can bring this energy to any society. I would like your students to come to us to exchanges students, educational programs, ”he added. According to the President, visiting Ukraine by citizens of Latin America will strengthen interpersonal relations and strengthen mutual trust. “In order to trust and believe in everything that is happening in our country and for what we fight, we must be here.