
He called for the genocide of Ukrainians: in the Russian Federation, the employee of Simonyan was thrown under the door of a pork head

Finding a "gift", the propagandist called the police and complained about repeated threats from the unknown to his address. The employee of the Russian agency "Russia Today", who is managed by the propaganda Margarita Simonyan, Timothy Sergiytsev tossed a pork head on the threshold of his apartment in Moscow. About it writes Russian edition News. ru. According to the victim propagandist, the incident happened on the evening of September 26. The pork head was wrapped in a black bag.

Finding it, Sergiysev called the police and complained to law enforcement officers for repeated threats from unknown to his address. "Once again, some people do not reach their beloved USA. There is a horse and Mafia Sicilian. And as always, pigs are just pigs," the press service of MIA "Russia today" said. Sergeytsev is known as the author of the article "What should Russia do with Ukraine?", Which has caused widespread public resonance.

He wrote it after the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation made a "gesture of goodwill" and fled from Kyiv region. In his article, Sergiytsev expressed the opinion that "denacification of Ukraine" means pursuing a country of genocide policy - Ukraine should be liquidated as a nation and as a state, and fragmented into separate "people's republics", controlled by Russia, and the name "Ukraine" is eradicated. Recall that the house of propaganda Margarita Simonyan attacked an unknown drone.