
To return "their" land: Putin stated that Poland was going to attack Ukraine

The Kremlin's head claims that the Poles allegedly have a plan to regain their territories that were once under their control. Russian President Vladimir Putin said that the Polish authorities seek to help Ukraine because the Poles "have their far -reaching plans" for Ukraine. He said this in an interview with Russian journalist Dmitry Kiselev, reports Ria-Novosti.

According to the Russian leader, residents of Poland allegedly simply want to regain the territories that were once under their control. "If Polish troops are still on the territory of Ukraine, for example, as they say in Warsaw, to protect the Ukrainian-Belarusian border, then they will never go from there, Vladimir Putin is convinced," Putin said. It should be noted that in the same interview, Putin announced the country's readiness for possible nuclear confrontation.

In his speech, he decided to emphasize Russia's readiness for possible nuclear war, paying attention to both the military and the technical aspects of this training. Earlier it was reported that Warsaw approaches military presence in Ukraine with extreme caution. According to the head of the National Security Bureau of Poland, Jacek Seviera, the option of sending Polish forces to the Ukrainian territory is not even considered.