
In case of war with Russia and China: the US tested a compact "Reb in a backpack"

The TLS-BCT system allows you to detect, track and suppress enemy radio electronic systems. The US Army has tested the TLS-BCT Manpack Radio Electronic Wrestling System, which is placed in a backpack. About it reports Media Defense News. TLS-BCT Manpack was tested on Fort Uachuk in Arizona and preliminary testing of the product was successful. The media notes that the system was tested in preparation for a hypothetical war with Russia or China.

"We were very pleased with what we saw and where it would bring it," said Todd Porrt, President CACI on national security and innovative decisions that he watched the test. For his part, Brigade General Ed Barker, the head of the Executive Office of the Program for Intelligence, Radio Electronic Wrestling and sensors (PEO IEW & S), said in his statement that the backpack demonstration last month set a standard for future users.

The TLS-BCT backpack is designed to give the troops a mobile means of forming an electromagnetic spectrum in their interests. Currently, TLS-BCT Manpack is presented as a prototype, and serial production is planned to be deployed in 2024. The system has become a branch from a more powerful TLS-BCT complex that is installed on combat vehicles and designed for the needs of TLS-Echeclons Above Brigade divisions.

The system allows small brigade combat groups to identify, track and suppress enemy electronic systems owned by China, Russia and other potential opponents of the United States. TLS-BCT will consist of several mobile platforms that will be equipped with different systems of electronic wrestling and intelligence, combined into a single network to exchange data and coordinate their actions.

TLS-BCT will also be able to suppress enemy electronic systems using different methods, including the muffling, intercepting and distortion of signals. TLS-BCT is part of the more effort of the US Army to modernize its capabilities. We will remind, in early September it became known that in Ukraine created a Reb-backpack Kvertus for the military. The equipment successfully passed the test and the first copies have already been transferred to the Ukrainian military in the war zone.