
By change of chemotherapy: scientists were able to turn the immune system into weapons against cancer

Modern treatments for cancer, although they allow people to deal with this difficult disease, often have a number of side effects. However, in a new study, scientists have found out how our own cells can be forced to destroy the disease without concomitant complications. Scientists move in cancer study, revealing how the body's immune system naturally fights cancer cells, which can help in future developing effective new methods of dealing with the disease.

At the epicenter of the new discovery there were cells that can detect and attack not only cancer itself, but also proteins that contribute to its development, writes Sciencedaily. In focus, technology appeared its Telegram channel. Subscribe to not miss the most info and interesting news from the world of science! A recent study has shown that natural killer cells, one type of immune cells, can recognize and attack a protein called XPO1, which is known to contribute to the growth of cancers.

This discovery can pave the way to new treatments for cancer, which will use the body's immune system more effectively and with fewer side effects than traditional methods, such as chemotherapy, authors believe. A study under the guidance of scientists from Southampton University and published in Science Advances, demonstrates how natural killer cells can be activated for more accurate effect on cancer cells.

XPO1, the protein required for the normal functioning of cells, becomes excessively active in many types of cancer, allowing malignant cells to multiply. Researchers have found that the peptide obtained from the XPO1 protein attracts natural killer cells, thereby initiating the immune response against cancer cells.

Salim Haka, a professor of hepatology of Southampton University and the leading author of the study, explained that according to the former ideas, killer cells attack cancer cells randomly. However, the results obtained indicate a more purposeful approach, which opens up prospects for a safer treatment of the disease with fewer side effects.

He noted that patients with active killer cells and high levels of XPO1 are much higher, especially in aggressive cancers such as liver cancer, average survival in which is only 18 months. The study not only revealed the potential of natural cells in the treatment of liver cancer, but also suggests more widely used for other types of cancer such as head and neck cancer, endometrial cancer, bladder and breasts.

Currently, the team is working on creating the first vaccine that uses natural killer cells to combat cancer to make a revolution in the treatment of cancer. Professor Ralph Sittenchelm of Monasha University, a co -author of the study, emphasized that this discovery could change the course of immunotherapy. Research can lead to the creation of personalized treatments for cancer, especially for patients who do not respond to traditional treatments.

The role of natural killer cells in the treatment of cancer is an industry that is developing rapidly and in which there is more and more evidence that confirm their effectiveness. According to the latest statistics of the American Oncological Society, the achievements in the field of immunotherapy have contributed to a steady reduction in cancer mortality in the last decade.

Integration of therapy with natural killer cells can potentially accelerate these positive trends, giving hope for patients with cancer who have not previously been treated, scientists say. Earlier, focus wrote about a potential sign of pancreatic cancer, which should not be ignored. This cancer is one of the most secret and has a low chance of survival, so early detection is very important in a situation where life is always at stake.