
Technique "eaten" flames: drone Punisher destroyed the Russian Complex of Reb for $ 20 million (video)

The Borisoglibsk-2 system is intended to suppress communication and navigation, but it has proven to be helpless before the Ukrainian UAV-Bomber. Unmanned aircraft Punisher Separate Snipers of the 58th Brigade in cooperation with a consolidated air intelligence group of the 129th Separate Brigade of Territorial Defense troops jointly destroyed the Russian Borisoglibsk-2 radio system. The corresponding video was posted on the Facebook page by the developers of these drones.

The Russian military system was located in the private sector among residential buildings. Initially, the aerial intelligence officers of the 129th separate brigade noticed the equipment, and then the operator of drones connected to the operation. He sent a Punisher drum drone to the target, which dropped the bomb and successfully struck Borisoglibsk-2: the system flashed and swept it with a flame.

The military clarified that relatively inexpensive Ukrainian drone managed to destroy the enemy's equipment worth $ 20 million. The idea of ​​creating a Punisher appeared in the team of Ukrainian military during the 2014 war to accomplish difficult tasks in the rear of the enemy to save the lives of defenders. In 2016, she had already formed in the prototype of the drone. But by that time the project was strictly classified to protect the drone and its participants from the enemy.

In 2020, UA Dynamics drones made public. Punisher is resistant to HR, and due to the fact that the drone is quiet and invisible, the Ukrainian military receives a significant advantage in war. The shock drone can use the following types of ammunition: the Punisher kit includes ground management station, which is collected in Germany (based on Roda Lizard -protected laptop standards, supply up to 15 NATO -Army), a drone management joystick. The drone itself, the ammunition is carried in the boxes.

The drone is in a disassembled state, but you can collect it in just 5 minutes after short workouts. "Borisoglibsk-2" is a Russian complex that is able to suppress satellite communication and radio-navigation systems. This complex is made on the basis of MT-LB and is a descendant of the Soviet complex "Manat". The complex has a control point and individual machines with radio stations. There are nine cars with different equipment.

In the past, the military used frequencies up to 1000 MHz, but with the advent of new technologies, such as VHF radios and mobile phones, the range has been expanded. Now Russians can operate in the range up to 2000 MHz, which allows the "Borisoglib" to be laid and interfere with the work of VHC stations, GPS, mobile phones, winged UAVs. We will remind, in June 2023 the drones of Punisher in one day destroyed Russian equipment by $ 30 million.