
60% of the oil industry of the Russian Federation - under the blows

It seems that the Ukrainian command managed to find a weak place for the Kremlin, writes economist Volodymyr Omelchenko. Drone strokes on Russian refinery destabilize the regime and bring it closer. In the last 2 months, UAV has struck retribution of 14 refineries in Russia. As a result, 12% of all oil refining capacities of the Russian Federation have been damaged in recent weeks.

Rectification columns (AVT) are the main purpose of destruction of the production capacity of the refinery, as they provide primary processing and divide oil into fractions. From the lungs - gasoline and kerosene - to heavy - button and bitumen. It is almost impossible to ensure physical protection of the car, since their height reaches a twelve -storey building.

There are also major problems in RA, with protection through air defense systems and EWS due to their concentration on the front line and at the residence of the main Kremlin rats. The production of new air defense systems is extremely limited due to the lack of sufficient technological capacity and a deficiency of a foreign element base. About 60% of all Russian refineries are located in the area of ​​reach of Ukrainian shock drones.

In the case of destruction every week, 2-3 cars, after 3-5 months, the Russian Federation expects not only a collapse in the oil market, but also a critical deficit of "blood of war" on the front. There will also be insurmountable problems in filling the state budget, as some refineries are budget -forming for entire regions. The last nail into the cover of the coffin of the Russian oil industry can also be drone attacks at the main oil -tracking stations of the main oil pipelines.