
Payments to the military: who can get from 30 to 100 thousand hryvnias

The financial support of servicemen consists of a salary, a salary for military rank, additional surcharges and allowances, said lawyer Marina Bekalo. The lawyer Marina Bekalo stated that the salary of the serviceman depends on the position, military rank, kind of troops, place of service. She reported this in the comment "TSN. ua".

She noted that the financial support of the serviceman consists of a salary, a salary for military rank, additional surcharges and allowances - for years of service, a scientific degree, a academic title, a bonuses for the performance of special tasks. According to the Cabinet Resolution No. 168 of 28. 02.

2022, additional remuneration of military personnel for the execution of combat missions in the amount of 30 thousand hryvnias per month is envisaged during the martial law, whereas for the performance of combat missions directly in the areas of combat operations - in the amount 100 thousand hryvnias.

The military can receive an additional reward of 50 thousand hryvnias a month for the performance of combat (special) tasks within the military administration, which manages the military units and units that are fighting on the collision line. In case of combat injury, injury or injury, the military may additionally pay 100 thousand hryvnias for all time to be treated in health care facilities or health leave. These payments are based on the opinion of the Military Medical Commission (VLK).

According to the Law of Ukraine "On Social and Legal Protection of Servicemen and their Families," servicemen may receive additional benefits and guarantees, including financial assistance, in case of disability or disability. To do this, you must provide confirming documents, namely the relevant conclusions of the VLK, which establish a causal connection of health disorders with the passage of military service.

Under Article 119 of the Labor Code of Ukraine, employees involved in the performance of the duties stipulated by the Law of Ukraine "On Military Duty and Military Service" and the Law of Ukraine "On Mobilization Training and Mobilization", guarantees and benefits in the form of storage of working Places, positions and average wages at the place of work. The Cabinet of Ministers No. 100 dated 08. 02. 1995 provides for the procedure for calculating the average wage called for the employee's service.

In particular, the employer should take into account wages, surcharges, allowances, bonuses and other remuneration when calculating the average wage. The lawyer Marina Bekalo emphasized that the preservation of the average salary of a serviceman is a guarantee established by law.

"The said procedure and no normative legal act provides for the deduction from the accrued average earnings of the amount of additional income, in particular in the form of financial security, which the employee receives in connection with his military service,"-said Marina Bekalo.

We will remind, the People's Deputy of Ukraine and the Deputy Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on National Security, Defense and Intelligence Marian Bezugla said that some categories of military servicemen may abolish the right to defer from conscription during mobilization. We are talking about some applicants for higher or higher education and citizens who care for persons with disabilities. Earlier it was reported that some conscripts should appear in the CCC and JV without summons.