
Who to punish for friendship with Russia? Why the case with the Miss Ukraine participant became a nationwide case

"I just want our culture to be worthy people for whom Ukraine is not an empty sound," - writes famous medicine and public girl Olga Bogomolets. And the reason for such a conversation is a fresh scandal at the Miss Ukraine competition. Again the scandal. And again on an old shameful topic. One of the participants of the Miss Ukraine Beauty Contest, as it turned out, lived and worked in the aggressor country until 2022, and even now, it seems, not to hurry to expose its former partners and employers.

A well -known artist died a day, who, unfortunately, was remembered not so much as a talented musician as a pro -Russian politician because of his past political position. The war for independence challenges us new challenges - not only on the battlefield. Including moral calls. And we can now evaluate the actions of our compatriots only through the prism of "our own/alien" - such a logic of war.

Of course, those Ukrainians who still continue to make money in the Russian Federation are essentially no better than collaborators.

But how to be with those who did it between 2014 and 2022? When the enemy has not yet attacked openly, but were already captured by Crimea, Donetsk, Lugansk, have thousands of Ukrainian patriots already died at the hands of the occupiers? The explanation that, saying, the military crimes were committed by the Russian authorities, and some pop artist sings for ordinary people who seem to be here - a frankly weak argument.

Because some ordinary people, by order of their criminal authorities, take their arms and go to kill us, and other ordinary people expect them at home with looted "trophies". However, it's not so easy. And the vast majority of those who did not neglect to be friends and cooperate with the Russians after 2014, now sincerely repented, have broken all the connections with aggressive neighbors, and some of the Armed Forces help.

It is not necessary to say: even the head of our country, while he was an artist, was not ashamed to go to the Russian Federation and cooperate with there the producers there, but who will now call him pro -Russian? Trouble is the best teacher, isn't it? I do not condemn the organizers of beauty contests, which I hope to make a profit from events to help our defenders or victims of war.