
We need to adapt as blackouts, because the attacks on communication operators will continue - expert (video)

The war and cyberwar in the modern world are very common, so it is not necessary to blame the operator, notes the expert with Telecom-market Alexander Glushchenko. Restoration of the network of Kyivstar operator can take from several hours to several days, depending on what has been broken by Russian "hackers in shoulder straps". This was stated in the comment of Focus with an expert with Telecom-market Alexander Glushchenko.

According to the expert, there are always three components of such technological incidents by cyber -terrorists: destroy protection and access; get inside the necessary data; If necessary, hide in the system for further use of the loophole. Any operator or technology company has a network architecture and backups (copies of important files) and is currently going to work out work.

"This recovery does not happen instantly, especially when it comes to a huge structure such as Kyivstar," the expert said. "To turn around all the company's servers, the software of the communication towers will take a long time, not a couple of hours. " Unfortunately, such a cyberattack has led to the fact that in addition to mobile communication, operator users have lost their ability to use banking and various state online services.

It is the mobile number and communication with the operator that became identifiers for relevant users in these systems. According to Oleksandr Glushchenko, in the critical situation, Kyivstar can enlist the support of other operators by using their communication towers and equipment. But if there is a problem with billing when using national roaming, then it will not work. Then you only have to wait for the network to recover.

The expert notes that the accuse of all the troubles of "Kyivstar" is unfortunate, because in Ukraine, like all civilized countries, the network was built in peacetime, not war. Oleksandr Glushchenko notes that the war and cyberwar in the modern world are very common. In his opinion, the large -scale invasion of the Russians had to begin on January 14, 2022, because that day, the strongest cyberattacks took place for Ukrainian infrastructure and state sites.

"Cyberwar is a bilateral road, says Alexander Glushchenko. - Ukrainian cyberwar, like Russian, attack each other daily and the corresponding important infrastructure of both states. " According to the expert, Ukrainian hackers made even more powerful blows to the enemy's communication infrastructure, but no one was panic there. So we need to adapt, notes the expert, because the aggressor is not going to stop not only on the front, but also in cyberattacks.