
Broadcasting on air defense systems: How will the AFU Air Air Bomb Jsow - expert

This type of weapons has three modifications: AGM-154A cassette airbags, ammunition with penetrating AGM-154C combat units and an experimental version with a JSow-ER turbojet engine. As part of a new military assistance package announced in September, the United States will be transferred to Ukraine for the first time JSow (Joint Standoff Weapon).

This high -precision weapon system is able to significantly strengthen the possibilities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the fight against the enemy at great distances. Andriy Kharuk, a professor of the National Academy of Land Forces in Ukraine, told about the technical features of this type of weapon and the nature of their use in Ukraine. The JSOW system was developed in 1986 at the initiative of the US Navy.

An important requirement for the new weapons was the creation of a high -precision bomb with the principle of "shot and forgot", that is, one that does not require management after launch. At the heart of the guidance system used inertial-satellite technologies (INS/GPS), which enables JSow to effectively impress goals without the need for illumination or external control. Texas Instruments (now Raytheon) participated in the development of these weapons.

The first version of the AGM-154A airbag was tested in 1994, and in 1997 it was adopted by the US Navy aviation. Since then, JSow has been used in the Air Force and the Navy, as well as the US Marine Corps. JSow is represented in a caliber of £ 1000 (454 kg), but the actual mass of ammunition varies depending on the modification: from 483 kg (AGM-154A) to 497 kg (AGM-154C).

The ammunition is equipped with a folding wing, which allows you to reach the flight range up to 130 km while dropping from high height. There are several JSow modifications: Andriy Haruk noted that the F-16 planes, which are already in service in the Air Force of the Armed Forces, will be the carriers of JSow. The main goals for AGM-154A bombs will be poorly protected enemy objects, including air defense positions, warehouses with ammunition, fuel and flew in combat equipment.

The AGM-154C modification, with a penetrating combat part, will be used to defeat command points, bridges and other important infrastructure. As for the number of expected airbombs, according to the expert, the United States stopped purchasing JSow for the Air Force in 2005, and for the Navy - in 2015. The total number of bombs produced is 2517 units, of which about 400 have already been used in hostilities.