
Armed Forces captured the Russian UAV Supersam using the Ai-Petri system: what is known (photo)

Intelligence drones of the invaders imperceptibly penetrate Ukraine for 40-50 kilometers, where they strike at airfields, air defense systems and other objects. Servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine seized the Russian reconnaissance drone Supersam, suppressing it with the help of a complex of electronic struggle "Ai-Petri". The former President of Ukraine and the People's Deputy from the European Solidarity Party Petro Poroshenko on Facebook have informed about it.

According to the politician, the Supersam drone could cite on Ukrainian military artillery, a corrected airbomble or Dron Kamikadze "Lancet". With these UAVs, the invaders destroy the artillery units and armored vehicles of the Armed Forces, as well as destroy the armor. However, the fighters with the Ai-Petri ROB were able to suppress and land the drone before he had time to complete the task for the occupation troops of Russia.

"A group of counteraction to the technical intelligence of the Central Committee of the PSTR of the Generality of the Armed Forces, which works on our complexes, saved the lives of Ukrainian soldiers and armored equipment from Russian fire. Further - the study of the bird," - said in the publication. The expsite also posted a photo of a trophy drone. Judging by the pictures, the device was able to keep it integr. Further UAVs will go to study to specialists.

According to the expert in the field of radio technologies Sergiy Bezkrest, this year the Russian UAV SuperCam has replaced more noticeable drones and received better equipment for finding equipment and means of communication of the Armed Forces, which causes cases of damage to Ukrainian equipment in the rear. These drones are able to penetrate the territory of Ukraine unnoticed for 40-50 kilometers.

As an example of SuperCam work, the expert mentioned a video of Patriot SCR and three helicopters shot deep in the Ukrainian rear. According to the expert, SuperCam BLPA has received technical means that make it possible to look for communication facilities on Earth operating in radio wave ranges 2. 4 GHz and 5. 8 GHz. These waves, in particular, work with Starlink satellite communication terminals.

In May this year, the Supercam developer "Unmanned Systems" also stated that Supercam S350M made more resistant to radio electronic fighting. In addition, UAVs now weighs less, and its flight time has increased by 20%. In April this year, the latest system of electronic struggle "Ai-Petri" was presented on Facebook page on Facebook. It was reported that it could resist Russian reconnaissance UAVs of the type "Orlan", Zala and "Lancet", as well as Russian managed airbams (CA).

Later, Petro Poroshenko also published a video of the destroyed Russian "Lancet", noting that it was the result of "Ai-Petri". According to him, in each direction the complex daily suppresses 4-5 such UAVs. For her part, a deputy from "European Solidarity" Sofia Fedina noted that one "Ai-Petri" closes 20 kilometers of the front. Thus, 80 complexes can close 1600 kilometers of the front.

According to the People's Deputy, "Ai-Petri" is effective not only against reconnaissance UAVs, but also against FPV-roma and DJI Mavic. The cost of one complex is UAH 9 million. We will remind, on July 8 the representative of the Air Force of the Armed Forces Yuriy Ignat stated that the invaders began to launch into the rear of Ukraine intelligence drones with a disconnected GPS signal.