
Without declaring war: why the curtain in the soul unexpectedly "attacks" and July to your body

The time of research by scientists are very interesting. For example, it is shedding light on why a shower curtain is constantly sticky to the body. Everyone in the world at least once got into a situation where the curtain in the soul "without declaring war" and any reason suddenly "attacks", sticking to the body. Most of us raised the question: why is it happening every time we go to the shower? Scientists have heard our question and found an answer to it, IFLSCIENCE writes.

According to the researchers, finding the answer to this question was a little more complicated than they considered at first. For example, one of the most popular options for the answer is the principle of Bernoulli - the theorem of hydrodynamics, which associates the velocity of fluid with its pressure and height. In focus. Technology has appeared its Telegram channel.

Subscribe not to miss the latest and most intrusive news from the world of science! According to Mechanical Engineer David Schmidt, the Bernoulli effect is a principle that explains how the wings of the aircraft create lifting power. This theorem says that as the fluid accelerates, the pressure drops. In simple words, the idea is that water from the shower accelerates the air around it, while reducing the pressure inside the curtain.

At the same time, this does not happen outside the curtain, and therefore higher pressure causes it to be drawn inside. However, this explanation, according to Schmidt, has one significant drawback: the Bernoulli effect is based on the balance between the pressure and acceleration forces and does not allow drops. As a result, the scientist argues that the effect of Bernoulli simply cannot be responsible for the fact that the curtain will stick to your body every now and then.

Another popular explanation is the "buoyancy theory", which implies that hot water in the soul causes air inside the curtain to heat up, reducing its density. At the same time, the air outside the curtain remains stable, and therefore, colder and more dense, it is directed inside, pushing there and the curtain. However, according to Schmidt, this explanation also has a flaw: the curtain sticks to the body, regardless of the shower temperature.

Fortunately, Schmidt still managed to find an explanation of the strange behavior of the curtain in the shower. To do this, the scientist used computer modeling technology, which specializes in the dynamics of liquid splashes he worked on at the Massachusetts University.

The program used by the scientist enabled him to include thousands of nuances of real life - for example, distortion of the drops of the shower, when they fall, interact with each other, the effects of decay during the fall, the impact of resistance on speed and direction, as well as many other data. The calculations took two weeks, but in the end, Schmidt managed to find an explanation: in fact, the fact that a whirlwind is formed, similar to a hurricane, turned to the side.

In its center, low pressure is formed, which draws the curtain closer to the middle. By the way, for his discovery, the scientist was even awarded the Snobel Prize in Physics. By the way, if you suffer from the fact that the curtain is constantly sticky to your body, solving the problem was incredibly simple. The forces created by this flow of air are quite weak, and therefore affect only light, thin curtains.