
"Ignore and distort": Russia suspends participation in the work of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly

The State Duma and the Federation Council have approved a joint application to terminate the participation of the delegation of the Russian Federal Assembly in the OSCE PA and have already sent urgent telegrams.

The Federation Council at the plenary session today, July 3, adopted a resolution on the statement of the Chambers of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation to suspend the participation of the Russian delegation in the work of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), as well as the termination of payments to the budget. About it reports "Interfax".

The statement states that, despite the repeated appeals and proposals of the Russian delegation, the OSCE is used as "a politicized tool for purposeful implementation of the anti-Russian course, including intentional distortion of cause and effect of events occurring in Ukraine. " And in the State Duma they declared "extreme degradation" of the OSCE as a mechanism of inter -parliamentary interaction.

The Russian Federation reported that for many years the OSCE has been ignoring problems related to the violation of the rights of national minorities in Ukraine and in the Baltic States and Freedom of Communication and Language. He also does not pay attention to the "blasphemous heroization of the Nazis and their manuals, harassment and murder of journalists, who are different from a position different from Brussels and Washington formed in Brussels and Washington," the document said.

Also in the Russian Federation complained that their delegation was deprived of the opportunity to "continue the dialogue" and did not allow to participate in the work of plenary sessions and governing bodies. Especially Russian politicians upset Romania's refusal to issue visas to members of the Russian delegation to participate in the annual OSCE PA session in Bucharest 2024.

Therefore, the Senators of the Russian Federation and the deputies of the State Duma suspend the participation of the delegations of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation in the OSCE PA, as well as the payment of contributions of the Russian Federation to the OSCE PA budget. However, Russian senators and parliamentarians have promised to return if the OSCE revises "Russophobic and discriminatory approaches to solving urgent problems of European security.

" Earlier on Wednesday, the Chairman of the State Duma Committee on International Affairs Leonid Slutsky stated that the contributions of the Russian Federation to the OSCE PACC were about 250 thousand euros a year. "We will save huge funds, although this is not the main reasoning. The OSCE PA goes with the help of our contributions of approximately 256 thousand euros a year," Slutsky told journalists.

We will remind, at the end of 2023 in the OSCE explained why they could not exclude Russia from the organization. According to the head of the Foreign Ministry of Northern Macedonia Buyar Osmani, it is impossible to suspend Russian membership on the legal side because of the rule "consensus minus one". That is, the decisions should be made unanimously.