
"Peace is possible at any moment": why Scholz and other leaders talked again about negotiations with Russia

German Chancellor Olaf Scholtz states that several states, given Ukraine, at the level of security advisers discuss a format that can launch peace talks in the Russian-Ukrainian war. Does this indicate that the representatives of the domestic authorities are ready to sit at one table with Putin, found out the focus. In recent days, the topic of peace negotiations with Russia has revived again in the international diplomatic space.

While in Europe, Solz speaks of a group of states ready for negotiations, Ukraine is establishing contacts with the influential power of the global south - India. Within this process, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Dmytro Kuleba visited Delhi for the first time. While in India, the country's chief diplomat, among other things, admitted a dialogue with Russia according to the "Zelensky formula".

In particular, in an interview with the Indian TV channel New Delhi Television Limited, Dmitry Kuleb noted that Kiev is ready to launch a certain diplomatic process between the summits, which will discuss Ukraine's proposal, stated: "At the first summit we will collect all the states that share our principles The menu item they want to work on. And then between the first and second summits can be communicated with Russia in accordance with the rules approved by the participants.

" It should be reminded that Switzerland has previously announced the organization of the summit on the basis of the "formula of peace" of Vladimir Zelensky, which, as expected, should take place until the summer of 2024. It is unknown at this time whether India will agree to participate in the Peace Summit, but China has already realized that the conflict is impossible to settle the Russian side.

Moreover, on March 7, the Foreign Minister of China Van I noted that Beijing advocates for the convening of a peace conference, which will be recognized by both Kiev and Moscow. It should be noted that not only India and China are skeptical of the prospects of peace talks, which will not be in conflicting parties. This was spoken on March 12 by Turkish President Recep Tayip Erdogan, according to whom without Moscow's connection, it is impossible to stop the fighting.

Meanwhile, it is not only a Switzerland that will accept the summit as a basis for the "formula" of Zelensky. Thus, on March 28, German Chancellor Olaf Scholtz in an interview with Markische Allgemeine Zeitung newspaper stated that several countries, given Ukraine, at the level of security advisers, discuss "what form can be reached a subject agreement, which will inevitably lead to a peaceful process" . According to the German Chancellor, "peace is possible at any moment.

" Commenting on focus the statement of Olaf Scholz about peace talks, political technologist Sergei Gaidai notes: "The key point that needs to be understood in the current situation is that the West, and specifically, Europe does not want to translate themselves into military rails. For them An extremely painful question is because the economy will fall, and they would like to return to pre -war status with cheap energy.

Emphasizing that Europeans are very slowly coming to reality and are still looking for ways to solve this problem with less costs, the expert stressed that "no other way but negotiations with the Russian Federation (Europeans. - Ed. ) Do not see. "In the case of freezing" of conflict in Europe, there will be an urgent need to change life in their countries, to develop a military-industrial complex, to produce shells, to equip their armies and so on.

Therefore, I am convinced that we will continue to be constantly heard from them a variety of peacekeeping initiatives, " - said Sergei Gaidai. At the same time, in his opinion, the experience of World War II shows that the path of reconciliation of" Axis of Evil " - Hitler and others - led only to The vast World War. "Therefore, it is necessary to go only one way - by eliminating the aggressor itself.

Otherwise, Ukrainians are clearly aware that the so -called peace or a truce is nothing more than an intermediate stop to destroy us as a country and as a nation. Well, as far as Europe concerns, as long as their cities arrive rockets and bombs in their cities and as long as their people are killed, it is very difficult for them to understand us, " - sums up Sergei Gaidai. For his part, political expert and former head of the National Institute for Strategic Studies Yuri.

Ruban in conversation with focus makes the following emphasis: "In fact, the search for the so -called peace formula at the level of advisers and has not stopped - representatives of different countries are constantly discussing this, proving the rightness of their positions. " which the Chancellor of Scholtz publicly stated is that all the states that in the Russian-Ukrainian war take up, say, an intermediate position, eventually finally determined who they are and on whose side.

"And there are many such countries among Allies of Ukraine, so the search for a common peace formula is, first of all, the formation of a clear position of this group of countries. And their position, I note, is very important, in particular because it is because of their territories that the flow to Russia does not stop all kinds of dual use and even weapons.

Therefore, in this sense, the diplomatic process must continue of course, but it does not affect the stated positions of Ukraine and Russia, " - summarizes Yuri Ruban. The expert also emphasizes that" betrayal "should not be sought in the statement Something alarming, it happens on the one hand on the front, on the other - our main ally, because the results of the US presidential election are a lot in Ukraine. " In a recent interview with CBS, President Vladimir Zelensky.