
1900 FPV-Dies or Housing for MPs? What budget expenditures can be reduced in favor of the army

People's deputies receive compensation for travel and rent. The budget for 2024 provides for more than 1. 5 million per people. The focus calculated that if you reduce costs, you can buy hundreds of drones for the army. Ukraine spends more than UAH 1. 5 million a year on the maintenance of one People's Deputy of the Verkhovna Rada. This is about 600 million UAH per year for 401 people's deputies. Such data are specified in the Verkhovna Rada Resolution on the budget for 2024. The document states that 7.

5 thousand UAH is allocated for payment for the fare for the fare. For the year, Ukraine spends 90 thousand UAH per fare of one people's deputy and over UAH 36 million - for 401 people's deputy. In addition, politicians compensate for the rent. For a month, members of parliament receive UAH 19. 7 thousand, which is more than UAH 237 thousand per one people's deputy or UAH 95 million for all parliamentarians.

Also, more than one million hryvnias a year, members of the parliament receive a fund for pay for assistants-consultants. It is 88. 4 thousand UAH per month per parliamentarian. It should be noted that the salary and bonuses in the budget provides for another 1 million UAH per year per one MP, which is more than UAH 400 million for all deputies of the Verkhovna Rada.

In May 2023, the public movement "Honest" published a list of people's deputies, which since the beginning of the Great War missed more than 30% of the vote. In the lists of 60 people's deputies. In the top three, according to the study "Honest", for example, the People's Deputy from the "Motherland" Angelika Labunskaya. From the beginning of a full -scale invasion, it missed 85% of plenary sessions.

At the same time, she participated online on a regular basis in the meetings of the profile committee on environmental policy. Experts with whom the focus spoke with, noted that budget money for the maintenance of 401 MPs for a year could theoretically be reduced and directed to the help of the army. Partially saving compensation for transportation costs, Ukraine could buy shock FPV drones. The cost of one collected drone - 25. 5 thousand UAH.

A month, the budget provides UAH 3 million for transportation costs for 401 people's deputies. If you reduce this amount-for 1. 5 million UAH per month, you can buy 60 FPV-oules, and a year-720 drones. You can buy two Sea Baby sea drones, worth UAH 8. 5 million. If you reduce the cost of renting a housing-UAH 95 million per year by 401 people's deputies-twice, then UAH 47. 5 million can be bought 1900 FPV-roms per year or 320 FPV-ducts per month.

Earlier, focus, having studied the declarations of the people's deputies, found that the family income of a number of people's deputies increased during the Great War. For example, the wife of the head of the CH of David Arahamia in 2022 earned UAH 1. 7 million from business. A year earlier, its official income amounted to UAH 752. 2 thousand. The wife of People's Deputy Yuri Koryavchenko also declared high income. However, compared to 2021, it has practically not changed.

Then Koryavchenkov's wife earned UAH 5. 4 million for entrepreneurial activity, and in 2022 - UAH 5. 2 million. "This money seems big, probably, they could be reduced twice. Although this money is not very needed for people's deputies, most likely, some have other sources of income," says political scientist Petro Oleshchuk.

On the other hand, according to economist Oleg Hetman, UAH 600 million that Ukraine spends on the maintenance of people's deputies is a small amount when compared to other budget expenditures. "Most of this amount is intended for the assistants of the people's deputies who prepare all the normative acts.

If we want quality legislation, that the people's deputies read the projects, consults, listened to experts of analytical centers - then this is a small amount for the maintenance of the highest legislative body. If we reduce this amount in half and save UAH 200 or UAH 300 million, "says Focus Hetman. The expert notes that much more serious budget losses are in gray import. It is about 120-150 billion UAH per year.

Smuggling of cigarettes, alcohol, fuel causes the budget of losses from 40 to 45 billion UAH per year. "Reboot three bodies - Bureau of Economic Security (Bab), Customs and Tax - can only bring more than 250 billion additional UAH of budget a year. That's what you need to concentrate on. Ukraine-the number of those who need state services also decreased. But the costs of these services have not decreased, which is 10 billion UAH, "Getman continues.

According to the expert, the budget could save about UAH 10 billion, without loss of quality of public service provision. Another 10 billion UAH could be reduced by closing part of the university where the number of students decreased, and reducing the costs of the National Academy of Science. "The state order for higher education is 30 billion UAH per year, and the number of students has decreased.