
"We are different directions": Quest Pistols soloist first commented on divorce with Russian Gorbachev

Anton Savlepov and Irina Gorbachev have chosen different sides in Ukraine after the start of a full -scale war. Savlepov supported his homeland, and Gorbachev betrayed the country in which she was born. Quest Pistols soloist Anton Savlepov, who was married to Russian actress Irina Gorbacheva for two years, for the first time publicly commented on whether political differences were the reason for their divorce. The artist shared the details of his personal life in an interview with focus.

In particular, Anton Savlev and Irina Gorbachev officially married in July 2021, but in June 2023 the couple officially terminated the relationship. At that time, rumors began to spread on the network that various political views on the war in Ukraine were the reason. Thus, despite the fact that Irina is originally from Donetsk region, she lived in Russia all her conscious life. When she married Savlepov, they lived in Kiev.

However, after the start of a full -scale war in Ukraine, which Russia began, Irina chose the side of Vladimir Putin's policy, as stated in public. Instead, Anton remained faithful to his homeland, because for some time his relatives were in occupation in Kharkiv region, and his brother is still in Russian captivity. When asked by a journalist whether political differences were really the cause of their break, Anton replied that of course not, but it was also one of the factors to some extent.

In particular, Savlepov stated that it was only one version that people can understand for themselves, but in reality their relationship was more multilateral, and politics occupied a tenth. However, nevertheless, their political views were really running. "This is a fact. We are on different directions. But we have officially parted for other reasons," Savlev said. In 2024, Irina Gorbachev publicly supported the war in Ukraine.

In an interview on Madonna Moore channel, she said: "I'm inside all the systems, all the time. I circulate. And I'm part of this system. I don't want to speak no and say I'm not part of my country, I'm not part of my state . Я частина своєї країни і держави, я частина будь-якого процесу, який проходить в моїй країні. І я обираю тут бути, тут жити.