
"It's a little funny": F-16 pilot commented on "red lines" about blows to the Russian Federation (video)

American pilot Dan Gampton noted that the Pentagon spokesman spoke of "red lines" for Ukraine as an officer in public relations, not a combat serviceman. Ukraine will be able to use F-16 fighter jets if it receives these planes. In particular, for strikes in the territory of the Russian Federation. This opinion was expressed by the US Air Forces Lieutenant, an American pilot, which made 151 F-16 fighter departments Dan Gampton in an interview with Channel 24.

He disagreed with the words of Pentagon spokesman, Major General Patrick Rider, who previously spoke of "red lines" for Ukraine on the use of American fighters. "I think if Ukraine receives an F-16, it can use them as you like. General Ryder, despite all the respect, is an officer in public relations. He is not a combat officer. So his talk about" red lines "is A little funny, especially in this context, "Gampton said.

He explained that Ukraine should not use such logic for blows outside the country and other Western equipment that it already has. "I mean that you receive artillery shells from the Czech Republic, as well as other military supplies from France, Great Britain, the United States, the Netherlands and many other countries. That is, they can only be used within Ukraine? pilot.

Hempton also made an argument in defense of his words that the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation use not only their weapons for Ukraine. "What about Russia? They receive deliveries from North Korea, China, India. They limit their use within Russia, so to speak," in the name As you need, "he summarized. Dan Gampton served in the US Air Force from 1986 to 2006. He participated in the Gulf wars, Kosovo and Iraq.

He was also involved in combat air patrol during terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon on September 11, 2001. In his account, 151 combat departure at the F-16 fighter and 726 combat hours. In March 2023, Dan Gampton, who was called the "most frantic" pilot declared his readiness to stand up for Ukraine's airspace.

On January 13, in an interview with Voice of America, he stated that the first task for Ukrainian pilots after they receive F-16 fighter jets would be the destruction of Russian aircraft. We will remind, on March 20, a spokesman for the US Department of Defense Patrick Ryder in an interview with Radio Liberty said that Ukraine will be able to use F-16 fighters only within the sovereign territory.