
Hate the US, EU and Ukraine: most Russians consider their country "great" - a poll

Respondents were offered to express their attitude towards countries and associations from the list. China and Ukraine are the most positive assessment among the surveyed, and the most negative is the US and Ukraine. Most Russian citizens have the belief that they live in a "big" country. At the same time, the attitude to the US, the European Union and Ukraine among Russian citizens remains negative. About it reports a survey of an independent "Levada-Center".

Over the past two decades, the number of Russian citizens who consider the Russian Federation to be a large country has doubled, reaching 80% in August 2023, compared to 43% in 2002. Over the same period, the number of people who consider China to be a great country has tripled, rising from 19% to 63%. As for the United States, one in third citizen considers them a large country, although twenty years ago there were twice as many as 62%.

The number of those who consider Japan (from 37% to 9%), Germany (from 32% to 8%), UK (26% to 9%) and France (from 10% to 3%) have also decreased. Respondents were asked to evaluate their attitude to countries and associations in the following list: the US, the EU, Ukraine and China. The best interviewees are treated in China (83%). The EU, the United States and Ukraine prevails a negative attitude (60-65%) of the Levada-Center survey conducted on August 24-30, 2023 among 1606 people.

Studies are conducted at the respondent at a personal interview method. The statistical error (with a probability of 0. 95) does not exceed 3. 4%. It should be reminded that according to the results of the poll, it became known that most citizens of the Russian Federation do not want to give up the occupied territories of Ukraine. In addition, according to the survey of Russian Field of June 28, 16% of citizens of the Russian Federation consider the use of nuclear weapons against Ukraine acceptable.