
The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation broke through the time of the ravine: how the Russians act to get to the channel - Deepstate

The infantry units of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation secretly penetrate in the time of Yar and gradually move on in the eastern outskirts, explained the military expert Deepstate. Today, the enemy has occupied half the neighborhood near a water obstacle that helps Ukrainians. The Russian command without restriction throws infantry units on the storm of the Channel neighborhood in the East of the Time Yar. The assaults occur on both sides, using aviation and other means of damage.

Roman Pogorely, a co -founder of the DEEPSTATE, and the military expert Roman Pogorely, spoke about how the opponent to break the positions of the Armed Forces in the settlement in Kramatorsk, co -founder of Deepstate and military expert Roman Pogorely. Pogorely explained that the first attacks of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation at the time of the ravine were taken by columns of armored vehicles. Military equipment was successfully burned by the Armed Forces fighters.

However, the enemy has enough resources, so there was a promotion. According to him, the Russians succeeded because they used a large amount of infantry, which acted with "rolling. " Gradually, they penetrated into the street "Channel", the expert confirmed. "They have reached the neighborhood. They are saturated with infantry, they climb, hide, and, accordingly, now they control that small particle. They climb literally on all sides," he said.

The interlocutor of the journalists also noted that the eastern streets of the time ravine are storming from several directions: from Ivanovsky in the southeast and from Bogdanivka in the northeast. The Russian command at the same time announces that it is about to occupy the settlement, but so far the goal of the occupiers is too far, the burnt-out. "They wanted to take the Muscovites a long time ago, they have declared some regular time.

But we see that they manage everything is very difficult, because our military is trying to restrain this pressure and to cause more harm as possible," - he sounded on the air. On the Deepstate Fighting Action, the Front Line Changes in the Temporary Yar appeared on June 7-8. As of June 10, the Russians occupied half of the Channel neighborhood and approach a water obstacle that protects the rest of the settlement.

Meanwhile, the report of the Armed Forces General Staff as of the evening indicates that the fighting is ongoing, among other things, near the Novyi neighborhood in the southeast of the town and near Ivanovsky, located nearby. It should be noted that Focus wrote about the situation near the time ravine.

On May 28, the 26th Artillery Brigade Presopice Oleg Kalashnikov reported that for blows in this direction, the enemy has collected about 50,000 live power, has the opportunity to tighten reserves from mobilized Russians and bring military equipment that had previously stood on landfills. Later, the military noted that the units of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation pressed on the positions of Ukrainians in two directions, but for some time they were able to keep them.