
Reducing the conscript age will help the Armed Forces but will not be decisive - isw

Analysts point out that the event's military assistance will be the most important factor for defense forces at the front. Reducing mobilization age from 27 to 25 years will facilitate the ability of the Ukrainian army to restore and modernize existing units, as well as to form new ones. However, in order to ensure properly all the mobilized, support from Western allies is required. About it reports the Institute of War Study (ISW).

Experts say that the decline in mobilization age is only one of the many measures that Ukraine considers in the framework of efforts to create a stable mechanism for mobilizing military forces during wartime. However, Ukraine will need to provide weapons of all mobilized servicemen.

Long discussions in the United States on the provision of military assistance to Ukraine and delays in the supply of Western support can slow down the process of restoration and creation of new military units in Ukraine. According to ISW, financial support from the event remains a key factor for the ability of the Ukrainian army to restore and strengthen its combat capability.