
He threatened with the second Vietnam: the head of external intelligence of the Russian Federation urged the United States not to support Ukraine

According to journalists, Serhiy Naryshkin stated that Washington should stop helping Ukraine, because she allegedly received too many resources of the event. The head of external intelligence of Russia, Sergei Narishkin, called on the United States of America to stop Ukraine's support. He threatened Washington with "Second Vietnam", which is written by Reuters. According to journalists, the event gave Ukraine more than $ 246 billion in the form of financial assistance and weapons.

Narishkin called Ukraine a "black hole", which pumps more and more resources. "In the end, the US is at risk of creating a" second Vietnam ", and every new US administration will have to try to cope with it," Narishkin wrote in an article for the SZR Intelligence Operative.

The publication noted that the War in Vietnam was, in fact, one of the conflicts of the Cold War between the East and the West, in which the United States fought with the forces of South Vietnam against the north, supported by communist China and the Soviet Union. In 1975, the war ended in the victory of the communist forces. Recall that US President Joe Biden has publicly addressed Congress. According to the American leader, when Putin occupies Ukraine, he will move on.