
In the Russian Federation, an endless stock of shells: NSU officer spoke about the critical situation in the Donbass

According to Roman Ponomarenko, the work of Ukrainian defenders is allegedly incorrectly organized, and the units are generally demoralized. The Russians also have problems, but they have more personnel and boundless ammunition reserves. For a long time, the situation in the Donbass was characterized as difficult, but controlled and this was true. Now everything has changed. This opinion was voiced by the Officer of the NSU "Azov" Roman Ponomarenko in his Telegram.

According to him, now everything looks like "the front in the Donbass collapses. " The defense of the Armed Forces is allegedly disorganized, military tired and weakened, and many units are completely demoralized. "The replenishment that comes, for the most part, is biped and does not help, but on the contrary - complicates the combat work of the parts. The Russians do not break deeply, because their troops are as exhausted as ours.

However, they retain a significant quantitative advantage and have endless ammunition reserves. Therefore, their offensive continues, we cannot stop it yet. The Azov NSU Brigade wrote that there are several scenarios on how to improve the situation of defense forces in the Donbass. As an example, he cited the former Commander -in -Chief of the Armed Forces Valery Zaluzhny, who read the textbooks of the Second World War and thus deepened his knowledge.

Roman Ponomarenko recommends the study of the German experience in 1944, when the Wehrmacht was constantly in large -scale crises at the front, but managed to leave them. Speaking of the current situation, the brigade officer doubts that the General Staff has some global plan for solving the problem, and "narrow military solutions" allegedly give a short -term effect and "delay the overall defeat, which showed the Second World War. " "Yes, counterudaries in other areas of the front can be results.

However, they have a meaning only if the front in the Donbass holds. There is also a common hope that the Russians have put everything on this offensive and as a result they will end in reserves. We have heard for 2 years, but those reserves have not ended something, " - summed up Roman Ponomarenko. On August 29, the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces Alexander Sirsky in his Telegram-channel wrote that for the last few days he was working with the brigades who have been defense near Pokrovsk.

This direction remains difficult and the situation there is the hottest. You constantly have to make non -standard decisions, and work is done around the clock. "Fighting is extremely rigid. The enemy throws everything that can move and step on, trying to break through the defense from the actions of which the enemy suffered great losses, " - wrote Alexander Sirsky.

We will remind, on August 29 it was reported that in September the possibilities of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation near Pokrovsk are exhausted, because they cannot attack endlessly. According to the major of the National Guard reserve, Alexei Hetman, it is not necessary to spread panic moods about the city in the Donbass, because fighting for him can last for months. The intensity of hostile attacks, according to forecasts, will decrease in the fall.