
"Very awkward attack on reputation": Arestovich explained his scandalous words about women

The exader OP Alexei Arestovich declared at his seminars that because of the "nail" of women they want to suppress them. He explained his statements with acting and jokes, but journalist Jan Brenzei did not convince it. The former adviser to the Presidential Office and the author of psychological training Alexei Arestovich fell into a scandal due to published excerpts from his seminars. In a comment "BBC Ukraine" he explained what he was guided when he declared the desire to suffocate women.

Arestovich is convinced that the video on the channel "burns" is a "directed attack on reputation". "This attack was made very awkwardly, and it is clear that the people who did it were in a hurry," he emphasized. In his opinion, any independent appraiser can make sure that the words have been torn out of context. "Seminars are quite creative classes. Plus I have 17 years of theatrical activity.

I simply depict men there, seeming myself for such a man, with their common claims against women," the exader OP explained. He called published statements with jokes. According to Arestovich, it is obvious, because before talking about the desire to strangle women, words were heard that they would not hear it. At the same time, several hundred women were attended by online meetings. "Well, if I say that women do not hear us, then it is probably humor?" - added the author of the training.

He emphasized that the purpose of the seminar is to confront the men, whom he portrayed on the published passage. "This seminar and in general my activity are just about teaching women of true dignity, and men - to behave properly with women. To identify in themselves and in other prejudices that exist on this and which are related to humiliation of human dignity, in particular female ", - said Arestovich.

The exader OP hinted that the violence against women is more encouraged by such materials as the "burning", which contain "edited" videos. "Who is the criminal here? He who biased information or the one who has been teaching people not to fall under social stamps that are related to sexism for years," the seminar author added. He stated that the accusations of the videos of video would have "certain legal consequences".

The journalist and content author for "burning" Jan Brenzei posted a screen shot with the news of Arestovich on the social networks. She emphasized the word "joke" in the publication. "Meet a new star of the Ukrainian stand," Brenzei wrote. She later recorded a video that called for someone calling "creatures" and calling for "tr ** chicks" not women, but Ukrainians. "I can imagine if the" first channel ", for example, Russian. Or if it is a note of the quality of speech (Victor, ed. ) Orban.

As one of my familiar serviceman said, if all the same thing, the type" joked ", Arestovich said It would be about Ukrainians or military, he would already lie in the hospital, "she said. She added that such statements about women could be justified by context. Another author of material Emma Antonyuk did not respond to Arestovich's explanation at the time of the material.

Ukrainian journalists Yana Brenzey and Emma Antonyuk published excerpts from the seminars of the exader of OP Alexei Arestovich, at which he declares the desire for "tr ** chickpeas and suppress" women. He explained the aggression with "nagging, eternal anxiety, an attempt to control, and an attempt to castrate" on their part.