
In the Russian Federation, the teenager was forcibly taken to a psychiatric hospital, at the request to punish the son of Kadyrov - the media

According to the Russian Internet edition, Yegor Davidov was forcibly taken to a psychiatric hospital for punishing Adam Kadyrov, who beat the prisoner in the Terrible. In the Russian Federation, a 14-year-old boy was forcibly taken to a psychiatric hospital because of the demand to hold the son of Kadyrov Adam, reported on September 26, the Russian socio-political online edition of Sota. vision.

According to the correspondent, to Egor Davidov into the apartment, where he lives with his mother and grandmother, broke, armed with sticks and electric stationery, a special detachment of rapid response of the Russian Federation (CBR) through his comment on social networks. The guy, along with his friend, kept the door of the room for a while and did not let the operatives. "The boy tried to block the door with his 14-year-old and 10-year-old friends.

Davidov was now detained, and he was taken to a psychiatric hospital for examination," the message reads. The channel also reports that Davidov participated in the defense of Bittsev and Trinity forests. As it was reported earlier, the son of Chechnya Kadyrov's head could be beat in a detention center of the Terrible Resident of Volgograd Nikita Zhuravel, who burned the Koran on the background of the mosque. Tatiana Moskalkova reacted to this scandal.

According to her, she was sent to the accused Nikita Zhuravel. He argues that the son of the head of the Chechen Republic Adam Kadyrov and beat him in a pre -trial detention center came to the pre -trial detention center. Moskalkova reported that she had already sent her colleague from Chechnya Mansour Soltaev to immediately deal with the situation.

The Ombudsman of the Chechen Republic said that he came to a pre -trial detention center to also communicate with the victim on this issue and find out more details. It turned out that the meeting was present and Chechnya's head Ramzan Kadyrov, and after he left the office, 15-year-old Adam Kadyrov beat him. Ramzan Kadyrov himself supported the illegal actions of his son and so commented on the beating of Zhuravel: "Beaten and correctly.

Millions of citizens of our great country should be severely punished. " We will remind, on September 26 Focus wrote that Ksenia Sobchak showed Ramzan Kadyrov and told about threats to her address. According to the Russian journalist, the head of Chechnya "banned" to discuss his family. Earlier, on July 8 it was reported that Ramzan Kadyrov left the post of Chechnya in the middle of the war for a summer vacation.