
The father of the Armed Forces serviceman ignored the summons: how he was punished

The man explained that he has health problems and should look after his mother. In Ukraine, they condemned the father of a defender who refused to mobilize. The details are known from the sentence of the Hadyatsky district court of Poltava region of November 24. A native of the village of Veliky Budyshcha is a military and is registered. On August 9, he was recognized as VLK suitable for military service. After receiving the summons, the Ukrainian had to appear on August 30 to go to part.

However, he ignored the invitation from the Tax Code. The document states that the defendant warned the employee of the military enlistment office that he would not be able to arrive at the meeting. The failure of the man was qualified as evasion of call. During the court hearing, he fully pleaded guilty. According to the accused, doctors found a number of diseases during the examination. In his opinion, these health problems would prevent military tasks.

In addition, the Ukrainian said that she was holding an 83-year-old mother. According to him, the woman needs care, and she has no one to leave. The son of the accused, according to the court, now serves in the armed forces. The court took into account the sincere repentance of the man and found him guilty, appointing imprisonment for three years. However, he was released from punishment - with a probation for one year.