
Attacking a woman in Kosmach village: Scandal happened through Russian propaganda - Times

According to journalists, in the chat of Kosmach village in Viber someone posted a false message. It was about the employees of the Tax Code, who allegedly had to come to the village and under the cover to distribute the summons. An attack on a woman with a child in Kosmach village on February 6 occurred due to Russian propaganda. About it writes the edition of The Times.

Journalists recalled that on February 6, 24-year-old Ivanna Vanjurak, her daughter, as well as 21-year-old girlfriend were attacked by the residents of Kosmach. "They tried to flip our car, they wanted to harm us," Vanjurak told reporters. According to her, in Kosmach she wanted to take the parcel from the mail. Their car approached the village, stopped by a crowd of about 100 people. People wanted to find out who was in the car.

"My daughter suffers from nightmares: she wakes up in the middle of the night. She dreams that these women are trying to break into our house," the girl said. According to journalists, Ivanna's brother serves on the front line. "How is it that I now have to fear both Russians and neighbors?" She asked. According to NSDC Secretary Alexei Danilov, Russian agents publish 166 million false messages every week through fake accounts on social networks.

Such a misinformation campaign is aimed at undermining the national determination of Ukraine, that in the chat of Kosmach village in Viber, someone posted a false message. It was about the employees of the Tax Code, who soon have to come to the village and under the cover to distribute the summons. The local department of the Security Service of Ukraine was told that the incident is still investigating. The investigation suggests that the message is an example of "indirect" Russian misinformation.

It is expected that the author is a local resident, not an operative of special services of the Russian Federation. However, many of the statements that were written were based on Russian propaganda. "They (residents who blocked the road - ed. ) Directly quoted Russian propaganda from social networks," the source said. According to a woman named Galina, who participated in the protest, she is not against mobilization, but does not approve of the methods of operation of the Tax Code.

The material states that videos are spreading on the network, showing how the CCC staff are grabbing men on the street and sending them to military service. However, the SBU stated that such incidents are single and Russian "trolls" exaggerate them. According to Dmitry Mohnachuk, the head of the Kosmak community, protesters do not embody the values ​​of the village. Yes, many locals serve in the army, and six of them were killed.

We will remind, on February 7 Ivanna Vanjurak declared on her Facebook page that she had an attack in the village of Kosmach when she went to mail with her baby. According to her, the locals claimed that she was a "bowel of military enlistment office. " She noted that people tried to pull out of the car, and one of the women hit the beat on the baby's head. As Dmitry Mohnachuk later told, about a hundred people blocked the road so as not to miss the cars where the CCC staff had to be.

According to him, there were many women among the protesters. According to him, they gathered because in the local group someone wrote that six cars from the shopping center were going to the village. The message was fake. Already on February 10, the CCC staff had a conversation with Kosmach residents.