
"Very Hard Position": General told whether the Armed Forces should keep the bridgehead in the Krina

According to Igor Romanenko, logistics through the Dnieper is a difficult process because the enemy regularly beats the Ukrainian crossings. The Ukrainian military continues to fight on the battlefield with the Russian invaders. Thanks to the actions of the defense forces, it was controlled by the bridgehead on the left bank of the Dnieper in the Kherson region.

The expirer of the Chief of General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and Lieutenant General Igor Romanenko in an interview for OBOZREVATEL told what to expect from this area of ​​the front. According to him, the mistake of 2023 is that the resource collected for the counter -offensive had to be applied in one direction, not immediately on three - Bakhmut, Melitopol and Berdyansk. "Since August 2023, the Kherson direction was included. We have no force on this kind of action.

Especially since the Kherson direction through the Dnieper is a very difficult position," Igor Romanenko said. As for the Dnieper on the left bank of the Dnieper, the military leadership needs to be understood on the spot, or it is advisable to keep this area. All because logistics through the Dnieper is very difficult, and the enemy regularly strikes Ukrainian positions, including crossings. As a result, all turns away from a rather difficult situation. "There is a struggle for the bridgehead.

They are needed by both us. Who has more power at the moment, we will see. Perhaps one of the parties will be critical, and then the situation will change dramatically," - summed up Igor Romanenko. We will remind, on February 21, the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Sergey Shoigu during a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin declared allegedly capture Krynok in the Kherson region and the clearing of the settlement from the Ukrainian military.