
Armor with a reactive bomb of RBU-6000: in the army of the Russian Federation there was another hybrid (photo)

Experts are wondering how the Russians will recharge the ship's installation with 113 kilograms, since no additional devices are provided for this purpose. A photo of a multi-purpose MT-LB conveyor appeared in Russian social networks, which installed a reactive bombing bomb installation of RBU-6000.

According to the Defense Express observers, the Russians, on the one hand, have created a very dangerous modification, and on the other, such a solution has a rather strange appearance, because it is not clear how Russian soldiers are being charged and operating firing. It is noteworthy that even the authors of the Russian channels are surprised from this decision. Among other things, they suggest that such equipment is designed for either coastal security or for use during combat.

"Why put a maritime for firing deep bombs - there are no answers yet. Either for the needs of coastal defense, or for use on land TVD, since there is a contact detonator on the bombs," they write. Experts noted that another Russian hybrid based on MT-LB has a strange appearance because it is unknown how such a technique is able to move. The thing is that according to open sources, the mass of the RBU-6000 installation is 3. 5 tonnes, while the MT-LB armor is designed for a load of 2.

5 tons, or capable of taking an object weighing up to 6 tons. It is interesting how the Russians intend to charge it, since the weight of one ammunition to the bomb is 113. 6 kg, and no additional devices for charging on MT-LB (unlike ships), of course, there will be no manual. The observers also reminded that in the Soviet times there was a practice of installing such systems on the coastal stationary installations, but even in such cases, special ammunition facilities had to be equipped.

Another problem of this weapon is the accuracy of firing, since it is unlikely that the Russians have put fire control system on the MT-LB. "Therefore, the shooting is likely to be accurate" somewhere in the other way ", full -firing - 1 shot in 2. 4 seconds, regular shooting range - up to 5. 2 kilometers," experts say. Earlier it was reported that the Russian military installed a 100-mm anti-tank gun of MT-12 "Rapir" on an armored vehicle.