
The Russian Army for the first time applied cassette aircraft aircraft RBC-500: what is known about the new threat

A set of wings was installed on the RBC-500 airbomb to increase the accuracy and range of blows. For the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, this is a new threat. Russian telegrams have spread a video of the use of cassette airbags in Donetsk region. It is stated that the occupiers have modernized the RBC-500 aircraft. About it reports the Institute of War Study (ISW). The Russian troops dropped the RBC-500 cassette airbams on the positions of defense forces in the Staromayorsky area.

The propagandists claim that airplanes have been upgraded. They were made planning. RBC-500 has a cassette combat part. The invaders claim that the strike became the first massive use of such shells. RBC is a one -time bomb cassette. There are two types of RBC: regional type and with a central inflammatory charge. The first variant has in the design of a regional disk, which after detonation is engaged and under the action of powder gases throws cassette sub -cores.

In the second case, the bomb structure has a central perforated pipe. During detonation, an explosion is initiated, which scatters aircraft over a larger area. RBC-500 can have different combat parts: fragmentation, anti-tank or concrete. The weight of one sub -bar can be from 2. 5 kg to 50 kg. Russian invaders have already used the CAST Air Bombs RBC-500 with the PTAB-1 anti-tank warhead.

However, for the first time, Russian troops used RBC with a set of WMPC wings, which should increase the flight range. In addition, the cassette combat part poses a greater threat to infantry because of a larger area of ​​damage. We will remind, on November 7 analysts explained how in the Russian Federation created a managed aircraft Fab-250 with a set of UMPC. On September 5, the Russian Federation declared the creation of planning bombs Fab-1500 with a 675-kilogram combat unit.