
Breakthrough in the treatment of Alzheimer: Found medicines that attack "tangles" that deprive of memory

A new study offers a "unique approach", which gives hope to millions of people around the world. For years, scientists have been trying to find medicines that help with Alzheimer's disease, which deprives people of memory. Researchers are gradually progressing in this matter, but there has not been an effective way to protect memory before. Now, it looks like everything has changed, writes Express. Scientists say that they have made a breakthrough in the treatment of Alzheimer.

The team used a new "unique approach" to create medicines that destroy toxic protein tangles in the brain that deprive memory. It is expected that a new treatment will hope to millions of people around the world. In focus. Technology has appeared its Telegram channel. Subscribe not to miss the latest and most intrusive news from the world of science! The first medicine was developed by an international group of researchers under the guidance of British scientists.

The authors point out that their method differs from the previous ones in that it affects two protein foci, which lead to a grueling state. It should be noted that the medicines developed earlier were usually affected by only one of the areas. It is known that the new method is aimed at Tau-proteins, which usually play a crucial role in maintaining the health of brain cells.

Previous studies have already shown that in people with Alzheimer's disease, they stick together, depriving the cells of the brain of nutrients and slowing down the signals in the organ. As a result, the memory and mental abilities of a person are increasingly disturbed with the course of the disease. According to the author of the study, Dr. Anthony Aghydis of Southampton University, the new drug was named Ri-AG03 and is an important step towards creating medicines against Alzheimer's disease.

New treatments are expected to help prevent the progression of diseases such as Alzheimer's disease. In a new study, scientists have aimed at both key areas of Tau-protein and believe that this approach can help patients cope with the impact of growing dementia, providing an effective treatment for these devastating diseases. The results of the study, which also participated in the US and Japan, were published in Alzheimer's & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer's Association.

During the study, the fruit flys with toxic tau-protein tau-protein received a dose of the drug. The results showed that he not only suppressed the degeneration of insect brain cells, but also extended their lives for two weeks. According to an expert in the field of neurobiology at Southampton University, Professor Amritpal Mudher, which was higher in the dosage of the drug, greater improvements were observed in fruit flies.

In the further study, scientists plan to test rodents, and in case of success they will go to experiments on people. It should be noted that dementia is the main cause of death in the United Kingdom and in the world. As a result, governments worldwide financed the world's leading studies, similar to this. The authors of the study believe that the new drug is a promising step towards developing new unique therapy.

This drug can also be more purposeful than others that are currently being studied, and therefore scientists hope that the tests will show fewer side toxic effects. However, the study is only in the early stages and needs refinement. Earlier, Focus wrote that scientists told about the new theory of the origin of Alzheimer's disease. Importantly! This article is based on recent scientific and medical research and does not contradict them.