
Putin scares a long war. How should his three -hour performance understand

In his three -hour speech, Putin clearly made it clear that he was tuned for a long war. But, according to journalist Vadim Denysenko, it is only his usual game raising, so you need to know the price of these words. About Putin's three -hour speech. Briefly 1. He spoke longer than Brezhnev. Why? Because tomorrow he is 71, he needs to prove all the time that he is not old. It is one of the main claims of the Russians to him.

The Russians live on average about 70 years, and they are really afraid that it can die at any time. Three hours of nausea is about what he is still. 2. I have repeatedly said that Putin has only one negotiating technique - raising ponds. And, as strange as it may sound, he raised this speech (in his understanding). He said openly: I want a long war, trade with me.

I still frightened you that you would freeze, but you have not freezes that Africa would die of hunger, but Africa survived for some reason, I told you about nuclear ashes, but besides a mask, for some reason, no one was scared. Fine. I will then frighten you that I will wage a long war. He knows that this is a discussion issue now, and the Ukrainian diplomatic machine gave a certain failure. That is why he raised the bet. But it is just raising the ponds. We should consider it that way. 3.

We have to clearly understand: all this goes not so much from real power (Russia really ceased to be afraid), but from the other: from the desire to remind everyone, including the Allies. The formula "Velichi is equal to Russia are afraid" now sounds differently: "The breeze is equal to I can all be attracted to all. " 4.